Going to meet the old man

In a plane by himself the young handsome grey hair lad was sitting quietly, waiting till he arrives at his destination which is China. Vasco was sitting in his own space first class by himself as no one is with him. He had made them train themselves more so they never get rusty as they need to grow more stronger than ever. So, no one is able to go against them and right now Vasco wants to visit that old man.

'Old Man it's time to visit your perverted ass, I didn't want to bring my sisters since they will try to kill him but they wouldn't be able to in their current state of strength'

Vasco couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he looked out of the window of the plane. He wanted to really test his strength against the geezer and he is the only one to be his opponent. Though it's sad for Vasco as he knows that the old geezer won't remember him but its fine.


'Time to eat, I'm hungry"

-------Hours later------

Vasco was climbing a huge mountain in the wilderness he was in full of trees, animals and many fruits. He traveled far away and he was super far away from the main cities of China. Having a backpack full of necessities like water, food and that's it pretty much as he knows how to sleep in the wilderness.

'How nostalgic to be climbing the very same mountain that geezer made me come on up when, I first met him'

It was going to take a long time to do so but not with him. Vasco knows how to make it even faster up climbing on the mountain. Climbing and climbing without really much of a break, Vasco knew that the old geezer he is about to meet would be here on top of this mountain for weeks. The geezer of course does go outside to interact with other people though more female than male.

Time passes by and Vasco reached to the top of the mountain with sweat dripping down his face and body. He has long taken of his shirt so it doesn't get soaked with his sweat or it would be to uncomfortable and he has a pair of shorts. It was pretty hot and Vasco was not bothered honestly by it as it served as a pretty good warm up.

"Who might you be?"

A voice could be heard that of curiosity. Then an old man appeared in front of Vasco as you can see his wrinkles, skinny, white hair showing that he is old. He is checking Vasco out eyeing him with interest to know someone has climbed on this mountain. With no helicopter since it's the fastest way to get here and by car too. But the roads are a bit dangerous, no just plain out dangerous to drive so it's either walking or helicopter. That's if one has the money to be getting here quickly.

"Jun-go it's a pleasure to meet you"

Vasco bowed paying his respects go the old man whose name was Jun-go which he raised an eyebrow at Vasco.

"Knowing my name you're quite something not just that but...checking you out you're strong boy"

Jun-go looked at his body seeing it being really defined in every proportion which surprised him to see such a thing. Of course, everyone works out to make themselves healthier and to have a better body than their previous ones. But this one was perfect like no ounce of fat as everything was meant to be there and no disproportioned muscles were seen.

"Your name boy...."


"Vasco huh?"

Jun-go in a few steps was in front of Vasco as he threw a punch at him but Vasco dodge it slightly tilting his head to the side.

"Interesting boy!"

He threw more punches and Vasco dodged them all sometimes even just brushing them of with his hand as no hits landed on his body. Jun-go was grinning he was happy to see such an anomaly such as this boy who somehow is able to dodge his attacks with little to no effort.

'I'll see what this boy is made off....time to try a little more'

Jun-go started to throw high speed kicks as he was not stopping to attack him not letting Vasco try to get a counter attack. But Vasco knowing that he was slightly trying the old man he too slightly tried.

So he started to throw punches, palm strikes and kicks in many different directions of his body to render him unable to fight. But Jun-go was dodging those attacks or just blocking them then switching to attack mode right back.

*swoosh* swoosh*

*swish* swish* swish*

Bruises were forming on their forearms but that didn't bother them. As they both grinned at each other seeing each other's eye full of fighting spirit. They clashed fist to fist they smashed their fist together.


Their speed even created just slight wind around them, mostly their ferocious, deadly kicks that could really do some serious damage to people.

"Boy this is really fun for me!"

"Same with me old geezer!"

"Haha! I like you but you should respect your elders"

Jun-go liked the boy's spirit as he got a bit more serious which he then felt the sudden change too on him. Which made him really intrigued in the boy as his instinct or gut is telling him that this boy is a monster that would become someone great.

These two were battled for who knows how long but they were so immersed in their battle that they didn't notice a beautiful purple hair girl just watching with her mouth agape. She was shocked who she saw on top of this mountain of her long journey. To meet with the master that even the president of China doesn't fuck with.

She was looking at something that made her want to rub her eyes twice.

"Vasco!? Why is that man doing here?.....Does he know master Jun-go?"

Bela just stood there watching the fight since she can't really interrupt such fight. She is feeling quite intimidated as the auras around them and this sort of atmosphere that she is feeling is tense.

"Boy! This is a fight, I shall thank you properly for giving this sort of fun with a beatdown"

"Try it old man!"

"Hahahaaha! I really like you!"

Vasco threw an upper cut which slightly grazed Jun-go chin. Jun-go then shot a round house kick but faking that with a kick to the head at a rapid speed.


Vasco raise his arm up and blocked it but he felt the impact and strength behind the kick. Which pushed him back as then another attack came towards him straight towards stomach. Jun-go was going for a powerful palm strike that would send Vasco flying and render him unable to fight.


Vasco was seeing this attack coming from a mile away and he brung himself to a side as he grabs the arm of Jun-go and flipped him over as to slam his body to the ground. But Jun-go got out of his grip and flipped in the air a lot as he landed on his two feet showing him a toothy grin.

"Not bad boy!.... "

Jun-go went into a stance as he beckoned Vasco with his hand to come to him.

"You're not bad for an old man"

"Haha! This old man still has way more tricks under his sleeve"

"I'll uncover them"

"We'll see"

Bela here was wanting to learn but here is a fight that was about two strong unbelievable people fighting each other.

"Is that Vasco?! He's fighting Master Jun-go!?

"Yes mistress it's Vasco fighting Master Jun-go and he's not even getting beat down"

"I can see that as if he's an equal footing with that old man"

Anya arrived at the top of the mountain as she was waiting eight minutes because Bela wanted to scout the mountain first before she let her on the top of the mountain. Bela is doing her job to ensure Anya's wellbeing

'Just how strong is he?'

Bela wanted to gauge out the strength of Vasco but she felt like he was someone that for sure would be strong but not this strong. He is going against the strongest person in china even peopel around the world are afraid of him only those that know him of course.

Bela clenched her fist as she was here to grow strong and this was something that made her even more determined than ever to grow stronger. Same with Anya as she was excited to learn to become strong and to see Vasco more. She even thinks in this time maybe they will do so much 'more' together.

'Those sisters of his are not here hehe~'

She didn't know that the sisters approved of her to be in the harem in the life of Vasco because of his hidden secret he told of them. The sisters of Vasco and his mother latina, actually felt him to be way different and he seemed to be even more mysterious as he was holding secrets from them. Though they didn't ever pry into his business but that moment made them happy he told them about his secret.


Come support me if you want!
