Little wolf girl

The Holy sword will talk with ---->( ) <-------

Demon sword will talk with -----> { } <-----


Vasco was having one heck of a time in just being pestered by Lisandra the voice that talked to him from the demonic sword. He didn't have the swords in hand as they turned into rings the demon ring in one pinky and the other on the other pink of the right hand.

Vasco was now exploring the rest of the cave touching the walls as he felt like there might be something hidden around here.


He heard a noise as the wall crumbled which revealed a hidden room of a naked little girl who just laying on a piece of cloth on the cold ground. He saw her just stay still as she was lifeless, but he went closer to her. Up close he saw how different she was for sure she was a little beauty though what added to that charm as well was those cute fluffy looking ears of hers that belonged that of a wolf. The fluffy looking tail of hers as well that sprouted from her back. She was without a single shred of protection looking all tempting for those that are into that to take advantage of her defenseless self. She just looks malnourished all bony like she hasn't eating anything for weeks.

Vasco felt her heart first without any bad intentions and felt it beat but it was faint.

(Master she is in near death's door if she doesn't get help any help)

Bianca explained her worries as she was worried of the little girl.


Lisandra didn't say anything as she stayed silent, she really didn't dare say a word because she didn't care. She just spectated the actions that Vasco will take; he was her master even though she somehow felt like the little girl was giving off this dangerous vibe. But she thought it was just something else, so she didn't say anything.

'She should be around five years old and is she for sure is not someone from this world with all this'

Vasco curiosity got the best of him and he touched her ears which were fluffy and the tail as well which twitched to his touch. Without thinking much, he couldn't leave a little frail girl like this even if she is a monster in other people's eyes. Taking off his shirt and covering her with it alongside wrapping her with the cloth she was sleeping on and tied her on his back. With the cloth now he had an unconscious little girl on his back to take back to the house.

"Check on her if she is in grave danger of her health Lisandra and Bianca can you give off light?"

{As you wish Master}

(I can do that Master)

It made Vasco smile at that knowing that he didn't had to handle this darkness. Surrounding him appeared balls of light that followed him. illuminating his path so he can see with his two eyes.

'Time to get a move on'

He climbed and climbed the mountain taking the short cut to the top. It didn't take him longer than an hour as he arrived to the top. Seeing the house in view, he got closer and closer going to another room so he shouldn't disturb the girls.

He placed the little girl as he would describe this in which all Otaku's say 'Loli'.

Vasco did watch his fair share of anime and stuff as little girls like these are referred to all cultured people as loli's. If he didn't know such thing it would just be a child in his eyes or he would say "child" as the word to describe them or refer to them.

The Loli was sleeping soundly as her black hair was white and so was her ears and tail. Vasco felt like the loli hair, tail and ear color was not normal as it should probably be black. Since wolfs all have black hair in those anime's he watched.



Vasco had found the outside of the cave leaving the place he didn't even look back as the ruin disappeared. The mysterious ruin would never be seen ever again as if with just a long-lost memory.

It was the middle of the day and checking his phone it was 6pm. Which the girls should be awake though they might be still asleep which Vasco hopes that's the case. Night is approaching and he didn't want to wait any longer in the looming danger that is slowly consuming the little wolf girl.

But he felt two dangerous presences behind him and knew who it was as he turned his body to their direction. He got one deadly glare that was coming from non-other than Anya. She had a dark look on her eyes as if analyzing the loli if she was a threat to her.

(Master they're dangerous)

{I agree Master with her these humans are dangerous lets kill them}

"You cannot do that they're with me my loved one's"


Vasco spoke out loud as he didn't know that he could communicate in their mind, but they never told him about it. Bela and Anya heard him saying loved one's mostly Bela was affected because she just had sex with him only. They just immerse in pleasure, but she didn't think that he will think of her of someone to love. She was wrong those words carried affection behind them and she could sense it making her confused. Her heart beated slightly faster as she placed a hand on her chest.

"You're with me and you will be with him with me...but Darling who are you talking to?"

She was staring into Vasco like trying to uncover any secrets he has. Her voice was like a demand that shouldn't be ignored as she kept on staring at him while giving slight glances to the loli. Bela too, was curious about the loli as there is no way he kidnaped a little girl in such a short period of time and they're far from the city.

Bela was suspicious of Vasco as he talked out of nowhere to no one same feeling was with Anya. Both of them staring at him trying to pry him off an answer.

"It's complicated but I'll explain it to you two after we feed her and heal her to full health"

Vasco pointed at the sleeping wolf loli.

"Alright leave it to me but explain right now of your situation and that girl", Bela wanted to know now then later.





"So, that's what happened huh..."

"Darling! What if they're evil you have to exterminate them"

Anya didn't like that there was people talking to her darling that she can't hear or talk to. Bela was wary about it too. Though she thought that if those two voices inside the sword which they haven't seen yet would not harm Vasco.

"I can't even if they were evil they would have done harm to me or lied to me which I could detect so, you're making assumptions here"

"Sorry darling"

Anya hanged her down as she made a mistake in making an assumption.

"No you're right just that they have told me who they're and they are not evil"


"Master she's moving a bit"

Vasco seeing that she was slightly moving meaning her health was recovering. She was covered in a thick blanket that would warm her up. Everyone was watching as she opened her eyes that were clear as the ocean blue. Then her eyes locked on Vasco as she got out of her blanket and hugged him as she was wearing some clothes that was from Bela's it was to big for her but just for now she was wearing them.


This shocked the three of them from her saying that word as she hugged Vasco and her smothering her little head on his chest. He hugged her and patted her cute head as she enjoyed the pats.


Anya was going to pry the loli wolf from his arms and throw her out of the house this instant. As she can only do that alongside Bela with her darling.


The wolf loli jumped towards Anya calling her Mama and cutely calling her out again and again rubbing her head on her chest.

"Mama, Mama"

Vasco just couldn't believe it now he was being called papa and he wasn't an adult in terms of years. Anya brain overloaded and she couldn't help but love the way she is being called mama like she was the actual mother. She tightly hugged the girl while squealing in excitement.

"So cute! I don't mind being the Mother as you will be the father darling~"

She loved the idea of having a child she is the mother and he is the father. Letting her go for a bit she ran from her towards Bela as she surprised them again.


Bela just unconsciously hugged her and was she rejecting the idea to be called mama she was just a maid working for Anya and protecting her which was her choice.

"I'm not your mama"

"I have two Mama's! Mama is Mama!"

Bela just couldn't even deny her and embrace her lovingly like she was the actual mother.

'So cute'

Those were her thoughts on the wolf loli that somehow just became part of their family by identifying them as her parents as she woke up from her coma.

"Hey let me hug her!"

They both hug the wolf loli smothering her with affection between their breast. Vasco sighed as she saw her squirming a bit in need of help so he helped her.

"Papa save me!"


Both exclaimed wanting to feel her in their arms.

"Calm down both of you and what's your name?"

"Papa give me name!"

Vasco thought hard for this and he came up with a nice name for her.



She started running around cheerfully which made Vasco smile as he looked at her dearly.

'I'm young but I don't mind having a daughter like this, I wonder what the future holds for us'


All part of the plan