3 years later *

Enjoy! fiernjoeirjgoiejrgioe


[Warning Notice: Skip this little sex scene if you want as it contains something that could make people feel disgusted or uncomfortable]

*pak* pak* pak*

"Aaaaah~ Yes~ Your cock is hitting my womb and the baby~! aaaaah~ ngh~!"

Vasco was plowing the insides of Latina as they were indulging in their desire for each other. But it was love making session as they fucked each other to their hearts content. One thing that was different from Latina was that she was pregnant and that was from Vasco who impregnated her in the last 8 months. Which for about 3 month of her pregnancy she couldn't have sex because she would vomit and have problems with her body that includes excessive hunger and tiredness.

She had to bear the pain of not having sex because she herself wanted to bear his child in her because she's getting old. She doesn't want to wait any longer before she won't be able to give birth. But she is the first out of everyone to get pregnant before any of them could and she was happy to be accepted of her request from her dear son she loves with her outmost being. Thought she had to bear with the others having sex of those three months she couldn't. Everyone Amanda, Anya, Carole, Lora and even Bela who joined in as well in having sex with him.

She did get softer and softer around him and started to like him for real but it was hard for her to still trust him because she hated men since that incident. It took a couple of months as she observed him and she hard fell in love when he did things for her not out to just get into her pants or impress her. Just genuine things treating her like a normal girl.

[+1 Bela capture]

She loves him as a man but only him as for other males she will not any of them touch her or get close to the other girls if they bother them. She is a maid who is dedicated to her duty as she calls him Master.

*pak* pak* pak*

"Ngh~ aaaaah~ so good~"

Vasco was taking it slow in fucking Latina not to hard because she is one more month away from giving birth.

*gulp* gulp*

He is taking both her breast nipples into his mouth sucking the milk that is generating from them. Latina is producing milk from the sweet sensation she is feeling from his cock hitting her sweet spots as it's shaped to his cock.

Vasco was feeling the wet and warm embrace inside of her. They both were having their alone time as the others were relaxing.

[I wonder how it feels...]

Bianca muttered those words, Lisandra for sure if Bianca had a body she would be blushing right now. Even she was getting jealous of watching this for 3 years and she even wonders herself what it feels to be loved and even getting pregnant. They both don't even knew their names only words that if someone picked them up and wielded them they should devote themselves towards them. Unless of course they were unworthy they could have done something more drastic.

{I want a body for myself....}

Bianca didn't hear the words that Lisandra muttered as she was to immersed in watching heated scene right in front of them as they were swords but they from their point of view as they were placed in the room with a view of them doing it. Lisandra and Bianca had been with Vasco for 3 years since they met and are close but they learned many things from his world and his loved ones. Both of them weren't bothered by the fact that Vasco having a relationship with his family was something disgusting but in fact fine with it as long as they are all happy.



"Carole Mama!"

"Yes Rosalyn?"

Carole loves to be called mama by the little one that is the daughter of all of them here just like the other girls in the room. Only it was Carole, Lora and Anya as Bela and Amanda are handling the business in Latina's position as she is in no state to handle matter because it would to much of a strain on her body. Since she is about to give birth as her belly is big she needs rest and care which they all provide but mostly Vasco who is very attentive to her.

"They're having their alone time"

"I want to see papa"

"You'll see him later but for now let's keep playing"

Anya responded to her daughter knowing that she is a father-con as she loves to always be near him and loved. Her favorite thing of him is the headpats that he gives to her and scratching her ears and combing her tail. It did make the other girls jealous of him of taking a lot of her attention but still they love her with all their being. Even not being blood related they treat her as she was their own daughter.

"Mou~ I want to see Papa"

Rosalyn sulked but then Lora was there to cheer her up.

"Don't show that face sweetheart lets go buy your favorite snack!"



The other girls giggled at this scene as they left together.


"What is this?"

The Orc-King shouted in confusion as it startled the others around him.

"I-I-I D-Don't know!"

The terrified human was scared out of his life as he had shit his pants because he was adventuring then some big door appeared right front of the town he was in for a bit. Everyone was investigating what jut appeared the door was at least 50 feet tall. Those even tried to open it which they couldn't but all of them thought of opening it all together with everyone strength.

But before they could do that they all got out of nowhere invaded and killed off by a horde of goblins, hobgoblins, etc led by an Orc-king. Who this time didn't even spare the woman or children for food or reproduction resources. The Orc-King was attracted by the big door as he saw it from where their temporary base is at. He felt like if he opened the door, they would be able to obtain great things from within.

Killing everyone in town as the there was no adventurer's strong enough to fend off the army or barely make scratches to the Orc-King. All adventurers in town were mostly made of gold adventures. The high adventures are on other places and you will see them in the kingdom of human.

He was left alive the only one and he was scared and was powerless to do anything because he couldn't do anything. The Orc-King wanted him to tell him about the gate which he himself doesn't even know what the fuck it does or leads to.


The Orc-King crushed his head with his hand as his blood splattered everywhere.

"troops open the door!"

The Orc-king along with his army of troops stacked up and helped with opening the door which they slowly opened bit by bit.

They opened the door fully which they got pushed back by a strong force the Orc-king slightly got pushed from his place. He gazed at the thing right in front of him and it was a huge portal that he didn't know what contained inside. But his curiosity and greed got him to not think the things that could happen on the other side.

"All Troops gather up we're going in!"

Everyone roared and lined up weapons ready as some troops were riding on other creatures which consist of only wolves, horses which is about it. The Orc-King was thinking of powerful items that he could require and woman as well.


Nora needed life force which she needed to drain from killing monsters or people. of course, the easiest, fastest and efficient way to gain a lot of mana is to form a pact with someone. But the thing is to do that it has to be with a person she loves as in her race the tradition of kitsunes is that if they bite/mark which happens on the neck of the person they love that person forever and devote themselves to them with their whole being. The person gets benefits too but not even Nora knows what benefits would the person get if she would fall in love with.

But Nora currently doesn't trust no one except her best friend which she is far away from her. Falling in love is something of a far fetch idea for her to take or even think about. Right now Nora is sleeping in a cozy room she snuck herself in easily as she is in her fox form.


The new world which Vasco will be in is super close! Look forward to it