Welcome to the Hive

Splat! Diana suddenly saw light for the first time since she had been standing in the yard with her friends. She remembered looking across the road when something big hit her from behind and then her world became a dark cage of writhing, slimy tentacles. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind after her half hour ordeal. She was so sure that she was going to be killed and eaten. Or worse, eaten without being killed first. Where were the others? Was Zoey okay? Where was she? What was going to happen to her? Countless questions swam through her head at lightning speed as she attempted to get to her feet.

She appeared to be in some sort of tunnel, but the walls and floor were entirely covered in some sort of living tissue. The slippery mucus all over her and the ground made it impossible to maintain her balance, and she slipped backwards onto her butt with a disgusting squelching sound. Her eyes began to adjust to the dim, flickering lights and she realized she was in a metro station… only something was very, very wrong with it.

Suddenly, she felt a gust of wind and heard a loud humming sound. Looking up, she was startled to see a giant, fleshy dragonfly monster, presumably the one that had abducted her, start to rise into the air and head off into the tunnels. She sat blinking on the ground. Was she free? Why had it spared her…? It wasn't until she heard a muffled scream from behind her that she slid around to look at the far wall.

"Fuck! Oh god, fuck no!!" She cried, fruitlessly attempting to stand again. What greeted her eyes was what could only be described as an alien breeding ground. Dozens of people, all completely naked, were plastered to the oozing walls, with their limbs either held by a crystalline orange ichor or enveloped within the pulsating fleshy surfaces.

Men and women of all races, ranging from older teens to the elderly, were trapped with their genitals obscenely on display in front of the Asian teen's eyes. Some were held in a spread-eagle position, others had their knees drawn up over their shoulders, and others simply seemed to be hanging out of the wall like a ship's figurehead. The one thing they all had in common was that they were being feverishly molested by the innumerable tentacles that grew from every corrupted surface.

She saw an old man in his seventies having his prostate worked over by a meaty appendage that endlessly pumped some sort of orange slime into his gaping hole. The slightly overweight thirty-year old woman next to him was moaning in delight as three sucker tentacles happily played with her exposed tits and clit. A young man was having his throbbing cock licked and stoked by several small tendrils, causing him to grunt in satisfaction as he shot his load into the air. The hot cum spattered onto the supple tits of the eighteen-year-old girl partially absorbed into the ground below him. Some got into her open mouth, which was agape from her loud gasps of delight.

"Oh, oh, oh!" The girl exclaimed repeatedly.

The source of her pleasure was clearly the gigantic tentacle, nearly the size of a leg, stuffing itself in and out of her tight wet pussy. Her stomach bulged from the intrusion and the partially dried semen all over her body, assumedly from the many men above her, caught the light. Her pubes were matted down with spunk and only continued to get messier as the thick tentacle cock inside of her suddenly filled her with its alien cream, gushing out to cover her juicy lips and lower abdomen. Everywhere Diana turned, people were getting fucked in countless different ways and their lustful moans and cries echoed in her head.

She had seen enough to know that she did NOT want to be here any longer. She desperately began to crawl away as best she could on the slippery floor, shuffling her hands and knees in a frantic attempt to locate the exit. She looked up at a gooey pillar as she passed by but soon wished she hadn't.

"Hel...me...help...pl…" It was a girl Diana recognized from school; one of the upperclassmen that had done a presentation in class on the first week of lectures. Now, the redhead was right next to her with her legs up over her freckled face, and several squirming tentacles covering her eyes and ears. The girl continued to blindly beg for help until a tentacle filled her mouth and began to pump in and out of her throat, quickly filling her cheeks with its thick orange ooze.

This seemed to have an immediate effect on the girl. Her exposed ass began to violently shake up and down as the tentacles stuffing her anus and cunt squirmed and writhed inside. Suddenly she let out a "Mmrphhh!!" and her hips bucked one last time before squirting a fountain of pussy juice mixed with alien cum all over Diana's horrified face.

Blinded and surprised, Diana rolled on the ground yelling. She rubbed her eyes in an effort to clean them, but her hands were already covered in the mucus from the floor, and it only smeared it more. Suddenly, she felt a powerful grip on both her ankles.

"No, no, no please, no, God, Noooooooooo!" She screamed as she was violently dragged deeper into the tunnel, sliding along the slick ground. The friction, slight as it was, was enough to pull her stained blouse up, exposing her toned stomach. She felt another tentacle wrap itself around her midsection and she shuddered at the warm, slimy touch. She was lifted off the ground and continued to struggle until several more appendages lashed out and held her limbs tightly in place.

One also carefully, but firmly, wrapped around her neck. It didn't quite choke her, but it gave the impression that it would do so if she struggled. Her arms were held up over her head and her legs were forcefully yanked apart before she felt herself being bent backwards in an arch. She couldn't move a muscle as the tentacles began their terrible work. She clenched her eyes as a human penis sticking out from the wall next to her upside-down face suddenly blasted her with a hot bath of semen. It ran down her lips and over her face, filling her nostrils with the pungent scent of jizz.

Due to her position and all the juices covering her eyes, she was unable to see the array of tentacles worming up towards her helpless form. The ends of some of them split open like flower petals to reveal transparent suckers filled with writhing cilia. Other appendages began to rapidly vibrate and drip a sweet-smelling fluid that spattered into the air. Some tentacles were ribbed, others looked like human phalluses, and still more were lined with brushes and feelers of all sizes that leaked more and more of that mysterious liquid as they slowly approached the naked, bound teenager. However, once they made contact with her body, they realized some fabric blocked their path. They didn't delay in taking care of that problem.

Diana felt several wet tentacles slither under her blouse from every opening, caressing her soft belly and sliding up between her breasts, coating everything they touched with slime. Her jaw was trembling too hard to speak, so she simply murmured a terrified whine as tears streamed from her stinging eyes. Suddenly, the tentacle nestling into her bosom wrapped around the front of her lacy bra and gave it a quick, powerful yank. It tore the bra away from her body and clean through her blouse, the buttons of which popped off into the air and scattered in all directions.

Her pert B-Cup tits were exposed all at once and jiggled freely for a moment before tentacles wrapped around each one and began to gently squeeze them. With her breasts held so tightly, her rapidly hardening brown nipples stuck straight up into the air. Some of the slime had finally cleared away from her eyes and she opened them to see the blurry shapes of two tendrils approaching her from below.

The tentacles both sported small needles at the ends, which were menacingly dripping with the orange fluid. Her eyes widened in terror - she hated needles - and she started to scream again. The tentacles holding her seemed to finally tire of her noises, and one fleshy rod rammed its way down into her throat, making it bulge.

"Mhg! Ghuk! Ghhhnnnmmm!" She gagged into it, expecting to suffocate. To her surprise, she found that she could still breathe, as if the tentacle's flesh allowed for air to pass through. It allowed for other things to pass through as well, which became clear as she suddenly was forced to swallow a surge of warm liquid that gushed down her gullet. She felt her stomach bulge slightly but didn't experience any pain. In fact… she felt good. Really good!

A tender, warm sensation began to rise in her belly and the area between her legs started to tingle and throb. Her face flushed and she suddenly felt very empty. She needed to be filled.

"Fuck, I'm horny!? For these disgusting things?" She thought. Even thinking was difficult, however, as her mind began to swim and lose focus on anything other than the fire raging in her loins.

She barely even noticed as the two needled tentacles jabbed forward into her erect nipples, injecting them with the unknown substance. Each plump mound began to burn and tingle in a way she had never experienced before, and her nipples were the hardest they had ever been in her life as the tentacles slowly drew the needles out of them. She started to drool lazily as she sucked on the phallus in her mouth, imagining it was a man's delicious erection. Seeing that the teenager was placated, the tentacles continued to strip her.

The remains of her blouse were torn off and her shoes were pried from her feet. One tentacle slithered along her bent abdomen and down into the front of her yoga pants. The bulge moved over her crotch and down around her tight ass, fully exploring her most intimate spots. As it rubbed against her vulva, she moaned and redoubled her efforts on suckling at the tentacle gagging her. More tentacles worked their way up under her leggings and started to flex. At first, it seemed like the elastic yoga pants would hold but then a small tear formed in the crotch and the whole article of clothing was quickly torn to shreds.

At this point, the only thing covering her slime-encrusted body were a thin pair of lacy black panties that matched her discarded bra. They were already completely soaked by the juices oozing from her barely covered mound and the soggy fabric was wrenched from her body in one smooth motion.

The tentacles spread her legs apart as far as they would go, which was a considerable degree given her yoga experience. Though she didn't know it, her exposed teenaged pussy was gaping lewdly directly in front of a steadily blinking security camera that was barely visible within the fleshy muck coating the walls. Anyone watching the feed would be able to closely appreciate the delicate folds of her light brown womanly lips and the adorable, trimmed tuft of dark hair crowning them.

She briefly flinched when she felt the cool subterranean area brush against her moist pussy, and then again when she felt something begin to peel back the hood of her clit to further expose it. A brief prick of pain flicked against her bud, and she realized that another one of the needle tentacles must have injected her there as well. What could they be doing to her?

She didn't have time to ponder much through her syrupy thoughts before she felt herself being moved somewhere else. Her back hit a warm, slimy wall and she felt her arms get plastered over her head by the same sticky ichor she had seen holding the other prisoners. The slimy substance quickly hardened, firmly trapping her limbs in place.

Tentacles wrapped under her knees and hoisted them up to her shoulders, holding them there while more ichor covered her calves. She was stuck to the wall with her helpless genitals obscenely spread and on display. The tendril in her mouth suddenly retreated from her throat without warning and she coughed and gagged as the remainder of the warm fluid gushed out and spilled down her chin onto her quivering beasts below.

She looked down at herself with glazed eyes. Even in her mild stupor, she was shocked to notice that her boobs looked a little larger than before. She wasn't sure, but they now looked like respectable C-cups, and they were still tingling with the effects of the injection.

"Wuh-wha's?" She incoherently mumbled as her eyes were lazily drawn towards the same mass of tentacles from before that were starting to approach her heaving chest. The clear bulbs on the ends of two large tentacles opened and engulfed her tits. She could see her nipples inside of the bulbs as small tendrils and brushes started to twist and tease them - some of the filaments even started to vibrate as they danced around her erect flesh. Both of the thick tentacles gripping her boobs started to rhythmically squeeze and suck on the captive peaks, causing her to let out a throaty moan. She watched in a trance as her nipples got sucked tight and then fell slack with each steady pump.

She began to squirm in anticipation as more tentacles found her gushing slit. One small filament that was excreting a viscous, lube-like substance wrapped around the base of her clit, which seemed slightly bigger and more swollen than she remembered. It held her throbbing love button in place as several small tendrils with tiny brushes on the ends began to aggressive stroke the sensitive, twitching nub.

Diana screamed, throwing her head back in ecstasy. Another tendril that buzzed with powerful vibrations suddenly pressed firmly against the very tip of her tormented clit, sending intense shocks deep into her body. She snorted and howled before she let her head limply hang forward. Her tongue fell from her mouth and her drool started to collect on her breasts and stomach.

She could feel her abs shiver violently as she came harder than she had ever cum before. Her vision darkened and became filled with dancing bright spots at the same time. It felt like countless ants were crawling around her over-stimulated brain and her whole body was racked with uncontrollable tremors. Even though they had exhausted her to this degree already, the tentacles showed no signs of stopping.

Four ribbed tentacles rose up like monstrous cobras between her splayed legs, oozing thick mucus along their lengths. Three of them plunged into her soft cunt while the fourth gently prodded at her puckered sphincter before burrowing its way deep into her bowels. Other appendages grew up below her and started to whip at her firm ass cheeks, leaving angry red marks at the site of each spanking as the flesh rippled from the impacts. Her eyes teared up again and she let out a choked scream that dissolved into a howl of pleasure.

All four of the tentacles inside her began to pulsate and pump in and out of her twitching holes. She felt herself involuntarily tightening around them as if her body had a mind of its own and desperately wished to milk the tentacle cocks for their seed. The three in her pussy dug deep into her and pressed painfully against her cervix before expanding and filling her up in a way she didn't even think possible. One of them started to vibrate inside of her and massage her g-spot with pinpoint precision.

Her eyes rolled back into her head and only wordless moaning and groans left her mouth as she shook her hips up and down in time with the tentacles' mighty thrusting.

She didn't know how many times she came. She wasn't even sure if she was having dozens of orgasms or one long continuous one. The non-stop waves of female pleasure drove her to the brink of insanity. Her own juices mixed with the alien cum being pumped inside her pussy, making her stomach balloon up before the tentacles removed themselves, allowing the thick creamy fluid to spew out of her spasming twat and ass like a geyser.

Her pussy flexed open and closed while still coming down from her most recent mind-shattering orgasm. The viscous fluid steadily flowed out of her holes and down into the gaping pussy of a girl lodged in the ground below her. Small feelers kept the girl's vagina spready fully open, allowing as much of the falling juices to pool inside of it as possible.

The overflow ran down between the girl's parted butt cheeks and onto the fleshy ground next to them, where it was promptly absorbed. Luckily, though the girl's face was exposed, her eyes were covered by tentacles, so Diana didn't have to bear the shame of knowing she was being watched by the poor girl soaked in her cum.

After what felt like hours, Diana's blurred vision slowly began to return to her as she panted and looked down at herself, noticing that the lewd tentacles were no longer attacking her crotch. Her eyes widened as she saw what was happening with her breasts. If she hadn't seen it, she wouldn't have believed it: she was lactating! She hazily wondered if the injections had some sort of enzyme in them that could alter a human's body chemistry. That was the only explanation for what she was witnessing.

Her breasts looked even larger than they did a few minutes ago and, despite not being pregnant (or at least she hoped she wasn't), she could clearly see whitish milk being drawn from her plump boobs. The suckers drank the fluid up into the tentacles and out of sight. Each additional pull, pump, and squeeze on her sensitive nipples drew more milk from them. The sensation was oddly pleasurable, though. She felt like she needed to be milked in order to be happy, like it was fulfilling some sort of carnal desire she didn't realize she had.

"Ghnnn… Hmmm…" She sighed happily. She closed her tired eyes and let herself relax and enjoy the milking process. She nearly started to fall asleep from exhaustion before she felt something hard rubbing against her swollen pussy lips. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw a tongue-shaped tentacle lapping at her crotch, coating it with slippery mucus.

"Mmmnnn… yeah…" Her moans grew louder with each stroke of the tentacle. It licked from her ass all the way up to her engorged clit, which was now almost three inches long. She watched momentarily with an appreciative gaze as the tentacle continued its work, before her eyes focused on something in front of her that was much larger than three inches. A balding middle-aged man with a sagging beer belly stood between Diana's legs while straddling the other girl's pussy below. He was just as naked as the two girls but most of his face was covered with what looked like a pulsating blob of flesh.

She could see drool drizzle from his slack jaw as a low whimpering moan escaped from his throat. Her eyes followed the trail of the drool as it slathered his hard penis below. "Penis" wasn't really the right word for this monstrosity. His madly twitching and heavily veined cock was nearly two feet long and at least five inches thick. A steady flow of precum oozed from the tip that was only a foot away from her trembling womanhood.

She watched in awe and horror as a tentacle behind him gently pushed his rigid dick towards her helpless body. He took unsure, stumbling steps, somehow managing to avoid the other girl's exposed flesh below. He was clearly blinded by the thing on his face but kept inching forward until Diana felt his spongey tip kiss her lower lips. Even though the sight of the gigantic meat rod terrified her, she could do little more than spread her legs and offer her tight, teenaged holes to the stranger.

Suddenly, a hunger seemed to come over the previously docile man. He roughly grabbed her restrained thighs. The tongue tentacle lubing her holes barely had time to get out of the way before he plowed his gigantic member straight into her well-used pussy as far as it would go. He growled and grunted mindlessly as he started to thrust in and out of her as fast as possible. Her stomach and eyes both bulged and her mouth hung open. She tried to let out a scream, but she had no breath in her lungs, so her tongue flailed in the wordlessly in the air. Even though the man's mighty rod was repeatedly ramming into her cervix, Diana only felt pleasure.

The man continued to fuck her silly, making her tits bounce and jiggle wildly as they continued to be milked. She felt her pussy walls clench around his giant cock as they both reached climax at the same time. Her womb exploded full of the man's inhuman amount of cum, his cock pumping what felt like gallons of semen deep inside of her for nearly thirty seconds. Though she couldn't see it, she was sure that a large amount of the spunk was completely covering the helpless ass and pussy of the girl stuck in the ground below them.

Diana was finally able to catch her breath as the man's gyrating hips came to a stop. She shuddered and gasped as she felt his still-erect penis pull out of her worn hole. She weakly looked up at him and managed to wheeze out only a few words.

"No… no more… I can't… please…" Her neck lost strength and her head lulled forward, letting her slime-caked hair fall over her chest in goopy clumps. To her surprise, the man seemed to relent and moved away. Though it wasn't by his own will. A tentacle had scooped him up by the armpits and brought him over to another section of the tentacle nest. She watched as he was deposited on a pile of squirming tentacles that reached up to meet him. They enveloped his body like a second skin and grew in mass until she recognized it as being one of the creatures that had hunted her and her friends earlier.

Friends…? That's right! She couldn't stay here! She had to get back to the people waiting for her! She snapped out of her trance and began to struggle anew against the rock-solid ichor holding her body immobile.

The man-hybrid creature turned and trudged off down the tunnel, towards what she assumed was the exit. A tentacle was already growing out of the monster's writhing flesh in order to engulf his leaking cock and continue to milk him. If she could just get out of this damn wall, she might be able to sneakily follow the creature out of here!

She shook her naked hips up and down in an attempt to loosen the shell around her. It looked ridiculously obscene as cum was still dribbling from her pussy and was now being splattered all around from her jerky movements. She apologized in her heard to the poor girl below her for the added spray falling onto her exposed crotch, though the girl was already caked in so much cum that it hardly made a difference. Diana watched an air bubble lazy work its way up through the thick goo that completely filled the girl's gaping holes.

Refocusing on her task, Diana wiggled her toes, pounded her head back and forth, and generally moved anything and any way she could in a desperate attempt to find some sort of structural weakness in the hard, slimy webbing.

"Come on, come ON!" She grunted as she craned her neck forward to bite at the tentacles suckling on her tits. This proved to be the wrong move. Tentacles emerged from the wall next to her face and lashed across her forehead and neck, tightening to prevent any sort of movements.

"Help! Help! We're in here! Please, anyone!" With no other options left, she yelled out on the slim chance that rescue might be nearby. "Get us the fuck outta he-!" She choked as she felt the tendril around her neck tighten and cut off her voice. Speckles bloomed in her vision and her eyes started to water. She quickly stopped thrashing and the tentacle loosened its grip, leaving her to gasp for precious air. Through her tear-filled eyes, she saw movement in her peripheral vision. She was unable to turn her head to see what it was, but that didn't matter, as the shape was soon positioned directly in front of her. It proved to be a young man, being moved around via the tentacle skewering his asshole.

"Oh my god…" Diana wheezed. "Arlo…!?" She recognized one of the boys from Cassidy's class. He was completely naked, leaving his dark skin on display that glistened with sweat in the tunnel's dim light, which worked to show off his impressively toned muscles. She knew he was on the football team but was often bullied by the other guys for being too much of a science nerd. He had a well-trimmed beard and a unique bird tattoo on his right arm, so she was sure it was him despite the low lighting. His short black hair was buzzed into a complex pattern and his eyes stared ahead as if looking straight through her. Diana suddenly let out a small gasp of pleasure as one of the tentacles milking her breasts hit the right spot.

"Arlo… shit, what did they do to you!?" She croaked at the shaking boy. "It... it's me, Diana. From Bio 101…?" She looked at him, hopeful that she could shake him out of his funk and gain a valuable ally. It looked like he had only recently been brought to the nest as he wasn't entirely covered in slime yet, nor was his dick as big as the other men's she had seen here.

She couldn't help but glance down at it. She thought it was only fair, seeing as he was getting an eye-full of her own exposed nudity. It wasn't inhumanly large, but it was definitely a tool to be proud of. She estimated that his thick black cock was about eight inches long and wasn't even fully erect by the looks of it. It occasionally twitched as if he could feel her eyes washing over his shaft.

"Listen. You have to get me out of here. I know a safe place we can get to, but you need to snap out of it!" She continued to plead with him to no avail. She was about to overcome her embarrassment and attempt to swing her growing boobs back and forth to smack him on the head with one of the connected tentacles, but before she could get the chance, Arlo was suddenly lifted from the ground by tentacles encircling his limbs.

She blushed as he was brought closer to her and positioned in such a way as to place his succulent genitals right in front of her restrained face. Moving her eyes upwards and away from his cock, she saw that his limbs were stretched out in front of him and slowly being drawn into the flesh wall around her.

Soon, Arlo was encased in the wall like she was, unable to move an inch and with his crotch pressed firmly to her face. His dick was warm against her cheek, and she could feel his pulse through his shaft's soft skin. Her nose was filled with the thick odor of male musk, and she began to gently pant against his manhood as her head started to fog up again.

A slight movement below caught her attention, and she shifted her eyes downward to see one of the needle tentacles rising up. She clenched her eyes shut to brace for the pain, but it never came. She cautiously opened them to see that the needle had instead injected straight into Arlo's penis. She could feel his length start to throb harder and harder as it was brought to full mast, gaining an additional two inches. A gentle groan escaped his lips, which she thought was kinda cute despite the circumstances. A wet droplet met her cheek and she noticed he was leaking copious amounts precum all over her face.

"Pfff! Puh!" She tried to spit it out as it began to run into her mouth, which caused her tongue to touch some. It was like a pink haze overtook her vision. Suddenly she felt hyper-aware of his masculine scent and her crotch began to throb and tingle with irresistible warmth.

The tendril holding her head in place loosened ever so slightly. Her eyes gazed lustfully at the engorged cock in front of her face, and she knew what the tentacles wanted her to do. She had no choice but to oblige. No, she wanted to do it.

Diana slowly opened her panting mouth and ran her warm, wet tongue along Arlo's twitching shaft. She lathered it with her saliva from base to tip as best she could, swirling her tongue around his cock head and savoring the flavor of his precum. It had a sweetness to it that she couldn't describe. She wanted more. Opening wide, she took his entire length into her mouth, circling it with her tongue before squeezing it down her throat.

She started to choke and gag, but she had practiced deepthroating before coming to college (just in case) and managed to keep it in several seconds. She felt his thick pubes tickle her nose and she shook her head left and right to nuzzle into the fluffy bush, releasing more of his scent. She allowed her tongue to hang out and tickle against his velvety soft balls, which she noticed were already being fondled and squeezed by small feelers.

When she couldn't take it anymore, she drew her head back, allowing his thick manhood to slide out of her throat. She frantically gasped for air - but only for a second. She immediately started bobbing her head up and down his fully erect meat stick, enjoying the tangy flavor. She started to suck faster and faster, making sure to work his glans with her tongue and even adding a very gentle brush of her teeth against the sensitive tip. Her ministrations were rewarded as she felt him tense up right before filling her throat with his warm semen. She drank it down hungrily while continuing to loudly slurp on him.

Her eyes widened in surprise and arousal when she felt something new pressing up against her dripping pussy lips. She couldn't see what it was, as her entire view was filled with her classmate's genitals, but soon enough she could tell that it was one of the other captive males' monstrous cocks.

The unseen man started to fuck her hard like the one before and she moaned sloppily into Arlo's tender shaft. After the man emptied his load into her, she felt him pull out and a new cock quickly took its place to repeat the process all over again.

The two classmates stayed like that for what felt like forever, enraptured in ecstasy. Arlo repeatedly came into Diana's suckling mouth - his refractory period seemingly a thing of the past - and in turn, she repeatedly came onto the arm-sized dicks that were being thrust one after the other all the way to the back walls of her battered pussy.

Diana was pretty sure that the pulsating rod in her asshole was a tentacle, judging by the texture, but the different shapes and sizes of the cocks she felt sliding into her cunt could only mean that several men were taking turns plunging into her. After the tenth man, she felt a small, questing tendril flick over her erect clit. It slowly enveloped the engorged, three-inch bean and began to suck and stroke it like a small penis.

Having never experienced anything like it in her life, the pleasure became too much for her to take and her eyes rolled back into her head until only the whites were visible. She submitted herself completely to the bliss clouding her brain and could only gurgle and suck on the delicious cock in her mouth while bucking her hips to entice more phalluses to claim her greedy cunt and fill her womb with their seed.

Diana wasn't able to see it clearly, but the girl's messy crotch below was now almost completely covered in a deep pool of cum. Only the tips of her apple-round ass cheeks and the clefts of her mound could be seen peeking above the opaque white surface of the liquid. Her neatly trimmed landing strip looked like a thin path down into a steamy hot spring, one that several droplets of semen were eager to follow.

Eventually, though her consciousness was foggy, she sensed that Arlo had been dragged away elsewhere, and new cocks were starting to be pressed against her face. Sometimes, more than one penis was pushed to her mouth, however due to her head being mostly held in place, she could only suck on the one directly in front of her lips while the surrounding rods oozed precum down her tear-streaked cheeks.

After guzzling the seed from several more of the increasingly larger manhoods presented to her, something changed. She automatically craned her neck forward and began to lick at the air, expecting another rock-hard dick to enter her mouth. Instead, what suddenly got pressed to her waiting lips was soft and juicy. Her eyes lazily regained their focus, and she was greeted with the sight of delicate pussy lips gushing with a seemingly endless supply of hot spunk.

Diana didn't waste any time in feasting on this offering in the same way as the cocks before. Her mouth sealed around the messy mound and her tongue sloshed into its folds. The juices from within streamed into her mouth and throat, causing her to constantly swallow or risk being suffocated. Once the flow of cum had slowed down, she gently pulled her mouth away from the twitching womanhood being pressed into her face. A thick trail of whitish slime stretched and oozed out, connecting the two girls.

The unseen man aggressively fucking Diana's over-sensitive pussy from behind the girl suddenly came hard and she felt the hot fluid collect between her whipped ass cheeks and spill to the floor.

Diana looked down, expecting to see the sorry state of the female cumdump below her ass, but she was gone. Somewhat surprised, she looked back up and noticed a thin line of matted, downy pubic hair gracing the top of the still-dripping cunt in front of her. It had been hidden before under all the caked-on ejaculate, but now that Diana had cleaned a good portion of it off, she was able to make out more of the girl's features. She realized that the girl below her - the girl whose gaping holes were being filled with all the extra slime, juices, and cum from above - was now emptying it all into Diana's throat.

Diana was far from disgusted, however. She was happy that she could help relieve some of the abused girl's burden. She nuzzled her nose against the girl's exposed clit, enjoying the mixed scents of a man's jizz and a women's moist petals. She languidly began to lick at the slit in long, seductive strokes. Diana's tongue glided deep between the other girl's swollen labia, circling and massaging her bud, before gently running over her landing strip and back down again to repeat the erotic dance.

When Diana's tongue got tired, she took the girl's soft flesh into her mouth, gently sucking on each of her pink lips before going to work on her love button. Like Diana's, her clit was now a few inches long, so the Asian teenager was able to easily slurp it into her mouth like a tender noodle. She bobbed her head gently and swirled her tongue around the erect nub as if giving a blowjob to a small, delicate penis.

Diana could feel the girl's pussy start to clench and her ass start to shake, just before squirting her love juices all over Diana's mouth. As the sweet nectar dribbled down her chin, Diana smiled at the irony of herself now being the one covered in cum and she redoubled her efforts, burrowing her face deep into the girl's delicious cunt. Each of the girl's moans and cries was like a gold medal that Diana cherished.

Diana was disappointed when the spasming girl was finally pulled away from her hungry tongue and absorbed into another one of the tentacle flesh suits. Diana glumly watched her march away down the tunnel, trying to preserve the girl's sweet taste in her memory. Diana's disappointment didn't last long, however, as a familiar black dick – though slightly larger than before - was pushed in front of her again, and she happily resumed gargling down Arlo's seed. She hummed in delight as she worked on his cock, which made the male teenager gasp in the pleasure.

After several hours of this, Diana could no longer move from the exhaustion, so the tendrils around her began to move her body like a puppet. The tentacle gripping Diana's face held her mouth open and pushed her head back and forth along Arlo's manhood as she stared ahead blankly.

She was only semi-conscious when a tentacle wrapped around her eyes and plunged her into a world of darkness and sexual pleasure. Her only sensations were those of dozens of throbbing cocks entering her three wet orifices. Diana remained that way until she eventually passed out hours later, only to be awoken by a new man's hanging cock slapping against her cheeks, ready to be sucked. She was all too happy to oblige, all thoughts of resistance melting away from her mind like the thick torrent of cum endlessly pouring down between her spread ass cheeks.


Adam turned the monitors off without a word. He didn't know Diana well, but he still didn't want to have to witness her going through something like that. Though she seemed to enjoy it after a while, it was clear that this was the result of some sort of drug that her and the other captives kept being injected with. He shuddered. Turning to Sarah, he saw her silently sobbing while still staring at the dark screens.

"How horrible…" Sarah whispered, not looking at him. "If only… if only…"

"Shhh shhh…" Adam hesitantly put his hand on her lap. "Hey, look at me." She turned her head towards him but didn't seem to really see him. "It's going to be okay, you hear me? We'll be safe here for a long time. Soon, the military, or scientists, or... or someone will find a way to fix all this. Humanity is strong. We won't lose to a bunch of squishy worms." He stood, getting a sudden head rush after sitting for so long. "Let's go back to the others."

"Oh my god… what are we going to tell them…?" Sarah groaned, also shakily getting to her feet.

"Nothing we don't have to." Adam replied in a firm tone. He gently put his hand around her shoulder in a comforting gesture as she sniffed and wiped the last tears from her eyes.

"I'll handle it." She said, strength returning to her voice. They both walked back to the living room. Inside, they found Zoey asleep on the couch, still wrapped in the blanket. An empty teacup and her glasses lay on the coffee table next to her. Her legs were propped up on Steven's lap, who sat at the foot of the couch, playing a video game on the television. He apparently heard them step into the room because he leaned back slightly as they approached.

"So?" He asked, without taking his eyes off the virtual machine gun mowing down aliens on the big screen. "You were gone for quite a while. It's the end of the world, so I have to assume you two were either fucking or drinking. So nice of you to invite me."

"Wha- we… excuse me!?" Sarah stammered. She really couldn't get a feel for this guy.

"Shut up, kid." Adam snorted. "Stop wasting our… MY... precious electricity on pointless entertainment, especially not on my save file!" Adam began to angrily stomp towards the younger, and much smaller man. Steven hastily paused the game and turned to look at them with a startled expression, being careful not to wake up his stepsister as he did so.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologized. "It's… been a… day. Games calm me down and help bury the hurt, you know?" Steven looked down at Zoey, her chest rhythmically rising and falling with each deep, slumbering breath. "I haven't exactly been the best role model for her… my only hope was that she would take me as an example of how not to live your life and do something great with hers. I don't care about my own future, but seeing her bright one stolen away like this is a bit too much…" He sighed regretfully and placed a hand on Zoey's forehead, brushing some errant strands of hair out of her face.

"Mnn… uhh...?" Zoey blinked her eyes open at the touch. "Stevie…? I had such a weird dream…" She sat up to stretch and the color visibly drained from her face as she got her bearings. "O-oh… right…" She slumped over. She took a deep breath and slipped her glasses back on. "Diana. Did you… find her…?" She pulled her legs off of Steven and shifted to look over the back of the couch at the older adults.

"I'm sorry, Zoey," Sarah said carefully with a frown. "We scoured those cameras for hours but didn't see any sign of her." Zoey's expression became downcast, and she lowered her head.

"Y-yeah… that's what I figured," Zoey murmured in a small voice. "I knew the odds of finding one person randomly on a few little cameras were close to zero."

"It's possible that she managed to get away, and that's why we didn't see her." Adam suggested, following Sarah's lead. "Who knows- I'm sure there are other pockets of survi- people safely holed up. Maybe she could have found her way to one of them? We can keep searching though, just in case." Despite Adam's relaxed tone, Steven's eyes shifted between him and Sarah suspiciously. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it as his stepsister let out a comforted sigh.

"You're right… there's always hope." Zoey said, looking at them with a forced smile. "I like to believe that." Her words were accented by a loud rumbling coming from her stomach. She blushed a little and weakly chuckled. "Oops… I guess my stomach doesn't care about the end of the world, huh?"

"Well, it is pretty late in the afternoon, and none of us have eaten all day, I'm guessing." Adam said, patting his own belly. "I could use a bite. Remember, we don't have a good idea on how long we will be stuck here, so we will have to be careful with our food… but I don't see a reason we can't eat well today to lift our spirits, right gang?" He clapped his hands and headed to the kitchen. "I'll teach you all my secret recipe for canned beans." He smiled with a wink as the rest of the group followed him to help prepare.

The spread of food was surprisingly decent despite having come almost entirely from cans. Zoey and Steven ate hungrily and chatted about various things to take their minds off the day's events. Adam nursed his food a bit, but Sarah had no appetite at all.

She forced herself to swallow the warm beans to get the much-needed calories, but every time she put something in her mouth, her mind was swarmed with the images of her young students being forced to ingest all kinds of alien and human spunk. She gagged softly as the sensation in her mouth paired with the thought, drawing Adam's attention. He gingerly put a hand on her knee under the table, giving her a soft, knowing look and squeezing gently. She returned his gaze.

"How are we going to survive this?" She whispered to him.

"One day at a time," he replied. "One day at a time."

The group cleaned up dinner and spent the evening getting to know each other more: their skills, their interests, their physical condition, and the like. Adam was surprised to find out that Steven was a popular video game streamer that he watched regularly, having never revealed his real face and speaking with a characterized voice. Likewise, Steven was impressed with Adam's YouTube channel about engineering, and the two of them quickly found common ground in their hobbies.

While the boys got chummy, Zoey and Sarah discussed some theories about the creatures and shared observations. After a while, the group felt the weight of the day's turmoil and exhaustion hit them all at once. The men and women split between the two small bedrooms and they bid each other goodnight. As Sarah attempted to let sleep take her and drive away the nightmares of the day, she heard Zoey shuffle in the cot across the room.

"Professor…?" She asked in a quiet voice. "Are you still awake?"

"Just call me Sarah, Zoey." She turned to look at the girl through the darkness. Her sleepy face was slightly illuminated by the dim red light near the floor. "What's on your mind?"

"You found Diana, didn't you." Here tone didn't imply that this was a question. It was hard to read Zoey's expression in this lighting, but her voice was full of complicated sorrow, not accusation. Sarah was silent for a moment; her heart began to beat a little faster as she contemplated her next words.

"Yes," she replied in a clear voice. "We did."

"How… how is she…?"

"Alive. And that's what matters."

Zoey paused for a beat before speaking again.

"I'm… not so sure. There are some things worse than death..." Her voice trailed off and she went quiet for several minutes.


"Prof- I mean, Sarah…" Zoey spoke up again, her voice slightly muffled as if speaking into her pillow. "We'll be able to save her, right…?" Her voice did not sound hopeful. Sarah didn't really know what to say. She was done trying to lie to people to cover up painful truths. Who was she to judge what was best for others? Her eyes came to rest on the room's steadily glowing red light, and then they opened wide with realization.

"Yeah…" Sarah said, suddenly sitting up in bed. "We'll save her, Zoey. We'll save them all!" For the first time all day, her face broke into a clever grin.

That marked the beginning of their fight against the invaders.