Fire Dragon

'Shit, she is an apostle. If she decides to attack us we're fucked, i don't even know if we can take her on'-Jon

After a few seconds of thinking he decided to take her with them. As the saying goes, "you miss 100% of the shot you don't take"

Rory Mercury huh? if you want to know how comfortable this thing is then enter through the back-Jon


15 Minutes Later

It's Roche Hill-Villager 1

Huh? We've walked that far?-Villager 2

We're on the hills now huh?-Moritz

Yeah, We're far from Coda Village-Jon

Sir! Wyvern spotted 6 o'clock!-Noah

Shit. All guns ready to fire!-Jon

Before they were able to fire at the wyvern, a larger dragon similar to the one that burned the village at the forest attacked it, and ate it. After which the dragon spit fire on the caravans. Burning horses, and people alike.

Fucking Hell that thing is huge!-Robb

Turn the fuck around! All guns Fire on that Dragon! Liam give that piece of shit everything you've got!-Jon

As they attacked the dragon their guns didn't seem to have effect on the dragon's skin. After a few seconds of being attacked the dragon returned fire, literally.

Breath Incoming!-Jon

They managed to dodge the sea of fire although barely.

Liam! Fire the flak guns at it's eyes. Max armor piercing shells on it's wings!-Jon

As if on cue Tuka (The Elf) woke up and went to Jon while pointing to her eyes. Butt Naked.

Eyes!? Yeah well as if i didn't just say that! Liam fire the rockets and AA too!-Jon

After a few rounds of AA, flak, and rockets, The dragon stopped and blocked it's eyes.

Now Liam! FHJ on it's arms! Max Armor piercing shells on it's wings!-Jon

Following the command both of them aimed at their target and fired. Both of them hitted their target blowing off it's arms and piercing a hole through it's wings. The dragon screeched as it flew off, though with difficulty.

Whew, that was fucking stressful. Noah, William check the casualties and bury them-Jon

30 Minutes Later

Alright, you've buried the dead. Let's move out, there's no time for mourning. Another dragon may attack us-Jon


Random Village

Huh!? They droves off a fire dragon!?-Villager 2

Yeah, That's right! I saw it myself!-Villager 1

Bullshit! You don't expect us to believe that do you?-Villager 2

As they kept on arguing four people were eavesdropping on them. They were Princess Piña Co Lada and 3 of her trusted member of the Rose Order.

What do you think Norma?-Hamilton

What do i think? The bar is nasty, the beer's nasty, and so is the food-Norma

Norma, We are on a secret mission to Alnus Hill, And we're talking about the fire dragon-Grey

You're too loud. Hamilton keep going-Piña

These rumors keep spreading. A band of mercenaries in green clothes. While evacuating the citizens of Coda Village drove off a fire dragon-Hamilton

There are different kinds of dragons from ancient dragons to newborn dragons, and winged dragons too-Norma

It was a real Fire Dragon, Sir-Villager 1

You can't fool me!-Norma

I saw it with my own eyes!-Villager 1

Would you tell us more about the ones who defeated this dragon?-Hamilton

Hmmm, I don't know-Villager 1

After giving her a gold coin she spoke.

When the dragon attacked us that day they saved us! They had a great weapon that looked like a great iron staff, rode in mighty, unyielding wagons, and were all dressed in green-Villager 1


So, You've brought in citizens from a village called Coda. Good, we can question them later and ask them about this world-Wilhelm

Scene Change

Lieutenant General, The reports are ready for you to review-Jon

Did we learn anything?-Werner Von Blomberg

(Commander Of Operation Fury)

The language is giving us trouble, but we've essentially made peaceful first contact-Jon

There is more, Lieutenant General. We have encountered one of the apostle, more specifically an apostle of their God, Emroy. What should we do Lieutenant General?-Jon

Hmmmmm, First we must...-Werner


Outside of the camp we see Jon and his squad along with rory mercury.

Rory, do you want to come with us? we're going to a recon mission-Jon

Hmmm? Sure as long as it will be fun-Rory

Ok, Wait here. We will report to the commander that were going-Jon


A Few Minutes Later At The Camp

All guns aimed, make sure that your darts are good-Jon


Delta 1 Ready, Over-Officer 1

Echo 1 Ready, Over-Officer 2

Foxtrot 6 Ready, Over-Officer 3

This continued on until all of them are ready.

Lieutenant General we are all ready, Over-Jon

Good, You know the plan. Wolf's Lair Out-Werner





Artillery shells rained from the sky onto Rory. Rory did not expect this and all of the artillery shells had direct hit.


All Hell Broke Loose as all of the teams fired at her raining down bullets, darts, and anything alike, some of which hitted her. But it didn't seem to affect her as she charged to them waving her scythe at one of the walls. The said wall was destroyed, the men on top of it dead.

Shit! Foxtrot 6 is down! I repeat Foxtrot 6 is down! The darts don't affect her! Initiate Phase 2!-Jon

They retreated onto the inner parts of the camp while throwing tear gas wherever they retreated.





Artillery shells fired at her again, along with Tanks positioned at the streets of the camp. Rory while being shelled by Artillery and Tanks followed Them as she ran down anyone who opposed her.

You son of bitches! All of you will pay! The God Emroy demands so!-Rory

She attacked and attacked as she destroyed tanks and killed anyone. After a while Rory was led to a circle in the middle of the camp. Jon and many others positioned behind sandbags and tanks pointing at her. She looked behind her and saw a tank advancing with soldiers.

You Bitches! Why are you attacking me!? What did i do to you! i havent even laid a single finger to anyone here!-Rory

The Fuhrer ordered so, and we must not disobey the Fuhrer-Jon

With those words everyone fired at her. Despite the artillery shells, tanks, and bullets firing at her she kept on fighting killing anyone in her way. After a while she stopped.

Hold your fire!-Jon

You...*Cough*...A-All of you, w-will pay-Rory

With those final words Rory Mercury, Apostle To The Dark God Emroy, Killed 800 soldiers, wounded 200 more, and destroyed 15 tanks before she fell, The sleeping drugs finally taking effect on her body.


So what do you think of this chapter? did i do good on the taking down Rory fight? because for me i think i couldve done more