The Beloved Sister

As I hear Sis Dora's voice in my head I feel my heartbeat quicken as my breathing becomes heavy. The darkness invades my mind but I don't feel foggy, I think faster than I have ever before.

I quickly grab the seeker coin and immediately feel the connection to her through magic. She is in a small Bulgarian forest, my immediate ideas of apparition are cut down. There is no way I can apparate that distance, that's thousands of kilometers. My body would be shredded halfway there in the bottom of the Mediterranean or Austria.

Then it comes to me I remember how Ron's brother goes to and from Romania, there is an illegal portkey near Margate's docs. The only place near there I've been to is south London.

I immediately apparate there without hesitation. Before I even appear I wrap myself in my cloak to hide then transform into my dementor form. Darkness floods the ground beneath in tendrils shattering it as I launch into the air and fly at my fastest speed towards Margate.

Right now I'm flying faster than I ever have before, far faster than Luar can run. In less than an hour, I manage to reach the docks outside of Margate. I sweep my field of view as I begin searching for the soul of a wizard, my vision right now seems far better than it is normally.

The first thing I find is a dock hidden with a muggle aversion charm, there is a lone wizard sitting on the docs seemingly protecting something.

I fly down at him passing through the aversion charm. I land in front of him and pick the old man up by the back of the neck. He looks confused as he grabs his neck feeling my hand but as I uncloak myself his eyes light up in horror. My cloak envelopes him and leaves his body limp, his arms fall to his sides.

My 'eyes' look directly into his "Where is the portkey?" my words filled with anxiousness. I don't speak through my mind but with my mouth, it makes a horrifying dark and dry voice.

His eyes move to the end of the dock, "In the water." he forces out trying to breathe.

I peer over the edge of the dock and see a vase sitting on top of the water like it were on a table. I look back at him before I drop him and speak.

"Speak of this to no one." My dark raspy dead voice seems to echo through the docks.

I noticed he has pissed himself and is crying but he nods anyway with his limp body. I ignore him as I reach down and touch the vase. As I touch the vase the world around me shifts and spins like normal apparation times a thousand.

In my dementor form, I can't really 'see' so the rapid changing of orientation doesn't affect me. After only a few seconds the spinning stops and I'm left a few feet above an unfamiliar forest.

I fall back to the ground as I shift into my human form. As my feet touch the forest floor I immediately pull out the seeker coin and concentrate on where Sis Dora is. Nearly 900 Kilometers to my South by South-East in a small cave.

'Fuck' I mutter under my breath, that's about my max range for apparation at the moment. But it doesn't matter I've already wasted an hour. I shift into human form and grab my wand. My shroud still falls from my body despite me not controlling it.

I grit my teeth and apparate to Sis's location using as much controlled power as I can muster. Once I land inside the cave with a hard thunk I can feel one of my legs is in pain, I look down at it to see I'm missing a big portion of skin from my calf to my knee. I ignore the blood and pain as I look around.

The cave is dark only lit by a small campfire and Sis Dora is in a corner huddled up. She is covered in a small sleeping bag. I check the entrance of the cave to see it is covered by a powerful ward as to let nothing in.

"Sis Dora," I call out while hobbling over to her on my now messed up leg. Seeing no response I hobble quicker and roll her over, what I see brings tears to my eyes as I drop to my knees.

She is unconscious, her shirt is torn with bloody claw marks all over her, some of which are still bleeding. Her lips are dry like she hasn't had a chance to drink in days. But thankfully her eyes are twitching so I know she is alive… if not just barely.

I grab a blood coagulation pill from my cloak and feed it to her. I feel her forehead with the back of my hand, her temperature is way too high and I don't have any water so I need to get her somewhere safe to treat her fast.

'What did this to her' I wonder as anger fills my mind. I close my eyes and focus on the surrounding souls to see HUNDRED of them. All of which are not quite human but very close, so it must be some type of humanoid creatures. Some of them are resting just outside this cave.

Knowing these are probably the creature that did this to her I decide it's worth the risk. It doesn't matter if she comes to hate me after finding out what I am, as long as she is alive I'm fine with it. I shift into my dementor form which barely fits into the cave and gently pick her up into my arms.

The darkness floating off me covers the entire cave as I shroud us in my cloak. I fly outside and 'see' 3 Vampires sitting around a fire chatting with no care in the world. I feel a ruthless urge to butcher them right now but hold onto my feelings until Sis Dora is safe.

After thirty seconds Sis Dora's breathing is becoming ragged but no matter how far I stretch my vision I can't find anything other than creatures. This forest is definitely enchanted to be many times bigger than any muggle could see.

It is when I am starting to despair that I see a congregation of pure souls. Although they may not be human they were almost human and the purest most beautiful souls I have ever seen. Sis Dora doesn't have much time so I hedge my bets and fly straight towards them.

Once I am near I am greeted by the single most powerful ward I have ever seen. Stronger than the one on Hogwarts, hell even stronger than the one on Sid's Island.

I try to phase through it but I can't so I must all the strength I can into my cloak and begin hitting it desperately. I feel darkness bathe my mind as I wail and my cloak expands into tendrils far bigger than the single one I usually use. The now 9 tendrils begin bombarding the shield at a faster and more relentless pace.

They all begin to hit in a rhythmic slamming until they begin to slam together even harder than before. All 9 tendrils of black fog slam together with all my strength and a crack forms running up the nearly invisible shield. Then I hear a woman's voice speak inside my head.

'Wait, I'll open the barrier for you.' The voice is soothing and causes me to calm down a bit. I regain clarity feeling my sister's fading light in my arms.

No longer losing myself I stand there and watch as the barrier open. It looks like it continues into more forest then opens up into a beautiful lake with a bright sun above.