Rescue Operation Complete

Once Harry is in the car my curiosity gets the better of me and I have to ask "So, how well did the pacifying charm work?"

Harry ponders a bit "The charm worked… kind of. But they are just nasty people, they even locked Hedwig in that cage. She was only allowed out for an hour a day."

Ron chimes in "Is that why you haven't been replying to our letters?"

Harry looks confused "Your letters? I haven't gotten any letters all summer, I thought you guys forgot about me."

Ron and I look at each other confused "Hermione, Ron and I have sent at least 10 letters to you. Hermione wanted to send more to make sure that you're okay but I was against it. Wouldn't want your aunt and uncle to get annoyed at all the letters." I say looking back at Harry.

"Then what happened to the letters?" Harry questions.

Fred speaks up with a sly grin "Maybe someone's targeting you, Harry."

George turns around and makes ghost noises "WooOWOoooo, maybe it's a ghost."

I roll my eyes as everyone else laughs "But he is right Harry, there could be someone targeting you."

"But who would want to target me? I don't think I have done anything." Harry says confused.

I gesture towards his scar "There are a few I could think of."

Ron and Harry gasp "You think it could be 'you know who'?" Harry asks.

"Of course not, but it could be one of his leftover lackeys." Ron and Harry nod at my words.

George turns around again "What's with all this talk. We are kidnapping Harry for your birthday let's have fun."

I smile "You're right." I look at Ron and Harry "I got a cool game for when we get to my house."

For the rest of the car ride, we just talked about our summers so far. I brag to them about Luar's new stables and Shy's new perch hanging from my ceiling.

Harry says he was studying the whole time since the only books he had were textbooks. I tell him we can stop by Diagon Alley tomorrow morning if he wanted to but he declined. So we decide to go later this summer and he will just read my books until then.

Once we got back to my house Fred and George head back to the burrow for fear of getting caught if they are out too long. They say they don't want to hang out with kids for any longer than promised, but I think that is just an excuse.

I bring Harry and Ron with me downstairs to ask Auntie if they can stay the night. I've heard parents are more likely to say yes if their child isn't the one to ask. Therefore I waited until now to tell the truth, it is better to ask forgiveness than permission right?

When we get downstairs Auntie and Uncle are at the table talking to each other. As Uncle Ted notices us he gives me a knowing smile and motions me over as he goes to get up. Auntie just watches confused as he just walks away mid-conversation whistling into the afternoon sun.

She turns around and see's the three of us as realization dawns on her face. The realization comes first then comes a glare… at me.

"Mind telling me what's going on?" She asks me.

Harry speaks up "Ma'am, Ron and I were wondering if we could stay the night tonight?"

She smiles at Harry "Of course you dears can." She looks at me "But first I'll need an explanation."

She begins her interrogation "This is your friend Harry, Correct?" I nod "He lives in LONDON, Correct." I nod again. "Now tell me, how in the world did a 12-year-old get to London and back before lunchtime?"

I look her dead in the eyes with raised eyebrows and a straight face "Through the power of friendship and magic." I nod my head as I speak with sincerity.

She pulls on my cheeks "Ow, stop it Auntie, I'm just kidding."

"Well continue, the truth now." She says still tugging on my cheeks.

"We took Mr. Weasley's flying car to London to pick up Harry," I say slightly slurred since she is pulling my cheeks.

She lets go of my face and leans back into her chair as crisis dawns on her face "Oh no, my boy's only 12 and already a car thief."

I raise my finger "I'm only 11 until tomorrow."

I quickly regret my words as he smacks the side of my head softly "That is not better." Her glare is grade A annoyed.

Ron speaks up "Technically my older brothers took the car and we only went with them." Ron looks at me as I give him two thumbs up.

'Good one' I mouth to him.

Auntie sees my thumbs up and smacks the back of my head. She rubs her temples as she thinks.

Seeing her in thought Harry speaks up "He only did it to save me from my aunt and uncle." I give him two thumbs up as well.

'Also good' I mouth again not learning my lesson the first time.

She sighs, "You're lucky it's your birthday tomorrow. You will have to help cook diner tonight though."

I nod as all three of us run back upstairs. As we get back in my room I begin to show them what I bought a few days ago. From my Mokeskin bag, I pull out a large tv that was annoying to hold and a SNES.

Ron looks confused but Harry's eyes go wide. "Is that a Super Nintendo Entertainment System? Dudley has one of those, I heard they are super expensive."

Ron looks even more confused as I reply "Harry, both you and I are rich… did you forget that?"

He looks a bit embarrassed "Yeah, a bit actually."

Ron finally speaks up "So, what is it?"

"Sorry, forgot you're from a full wizard family. This is a SNES, a muggle video game machine, and this is a tv, it makes moving pictures a lot like magic. Here I'll set it up and show you how to use it." After that, I spend an hour of my life trying to explain how a television works when I myself don't know much.

Don't get me started on trying to explain what video games are. I got Ron to start playing Legend of Zelda: A link to the past. When I finally look back at Harry he is just staring into the Foe-glass.

As I approach Harry speaks up "What are these figures I see?"

I sigh "This is called Foe-glass, it shows you the outlines of your enemies. The more clear they appear the closer they are. How many do you see?" I raise a brow in curiosity.

Harry nods as he stares into the mirror "I see only two. but they are quite blurry. One of the two looks like it is somehow split… malformed? Why do you have this?" He looks up at me in confusion.

I shrug "Well, I mean, I didn't know how many enemies I had until I looked at it. So I decided it was best to keep an eye on them."

Seeing he didn't move and was staring into the mirror again I grab his shoulder "Come on, I can't watch Ron die in another dumb way. It's your turn to play."

He nods as he peers at the mirror one last time.