The Gift Exchange

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Sure enough, as Hermione said, there are red felt ribbons hung from wall to wall. A mistletoe hangs in the doorway and a wreath is resting on the mantle below Ariana's portrait. Small bells jingle on the handle as I open the door to the main room more.

Small green and red orbs of light freely float around the room and snow is falling gently from the grey clouds on the ceiling. I look down at Aria to see her face is stuck staring in awe. She holds out a small hand to try and catch the snowflakes but they simply fall through.

"The snow is just an illusion made by an enchantment on the ceiling. If you want to play in the snow we can go outside later." At my voice, she blushes and nods her head while hiding her other hand behind her back.

I guide her over to the lounger and have her sit next to me. Hermione follows close behind me while Ron and Harry walk through the door together causing me to grin.

"Are you not going to kiss?" I ask before they get all the way in.

They both stop and look at me funny till I point at the top of the door frame. Seeing they are both standing beneath a mistletoe Ron shrinks away from Harry before turning to me.

"Don't be gross," he turns back to Harry who has now taken quite a few steps back.

Ron looks slightly offended but Harry gives him an odd look, "Sorry Ron."

Ron gets even more offended, "What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm ugly?" Only silence lingers after his words.

Finally, Aria breaks the silence giggling at their comedy bit closely followed by my laugh. I turn to Hermione who sat on the couch next to us. Her face is red and her eyes are looking down.

Seeing that Hermione isn't comfortable with this sort of talk I change the subject. "Are you guys going to get in here or are we opening presents tomorrow?" My tone is still joking but I would like to do presents now.

Hermione happily nods as the comedy duo sits down while Ron mutters under his breath as if he had been greatly wronged. Ron sits on the couch with Hermione and Harry sits on the large Chesterfield chair.

Ron stops his muttering and quickly pulls out the sweaters "Sorry, I forgot to give them to you guys yesterday."

I eye the sweater up and down before looking at Aria. She is currently wearing a short-sleeve shirt, jeans, and a thin black cloak over top.

"Aria, how about you wear mine for now?" She looks surprised at my words and keeps her head down as she nods.

I smile a bit as I kneel in front of her unclipping her cloak and placing it to the side. I roll up the sweater so it is easier to put on.

"Arms up." she follows my instructions and I pull the sweater down over her. Her face is puckered as her head pops out the head hole, her hair is all over her face.

I fix her hair as she brings up her covered hands to her face "Warm enough?"

She nods "mhm" I barely hear her as it's muffled by the thick sweater sleeves. I pat her head as I sit back down next to her.

I pull out my Mokeskin pouch grinning at the trio, I slowly pull out three boxes, two thin long ones, and one medium-sized cube.

I hand the thin ones to Harry and Hermione while I give the cube to Aria. I see Ron's confused look and give him a smile. Aria is gawking at her present on the side.

"You'll have to go with me to get your present tomorrow, but you have to promise me not to tell your mom about it." His slightly confused look changes to be incredibly confused.

"I promise?" He says questioning himself.

I nod, Harry begins to hand out his gifts, he gives me a heavy, volleyball-sized box. He gives Hermione a very book-sized present and Ron a box similar sized to mine. Hermione gives me a small box, Harry a small, long box, and Ron a slightly large box.

Ron is the last to hand out his presents, his presents aren't wrapped so he just hands us them. He gives Harry a book called 'Flying with the Cannons', Hermione a book called 'Story of Merlin', and finally, he gives me a book called 'A Beginners Guide to Chess'.

I give a wry smile "Thanks, Ron." He gives me a smirk and nod to which I roll my eyes.

I begin to open my presents as I feel a tug on my sleeve. I look over to see Aria staring at me like an excited puppy. "Is this mine? Can I open it?"

The oversized sweater causes me to smile "Yup, it's yours."

'It was supposed to be Ron's but who cares? I planned to get him a wand anyway.'

She struggles to open it with the long sleeves covering her hands but she eventually gets it. Once she gets the wrapping off she opens the white box underneath revealing a black and white carousel of unicorns.

She pulls it out and presses the obvious black button on top. It begins to play a soothing melody as the unicorns begin to rotate around the center.

She watches the magic carousel with glowing eyes. I look back at the other to see they are watching her with smiles as well. Before I turn back I feel Aria wrap her arms around me.

I look down to see her face pressing against my chest "Thank you." She says in a muffled voice.

I hug her back with a smile "You are quite welcome."

I look back up at Harry who immediately notices my gaze "Why don't we open ours as well?"

He nods as we all open our presents with fervor. I got Hermione an Amnythist neckless charmed with a few uses of Protego. I got Harry a good pair of gloves for quidditch, and of course, I will get Ron a new wand tomorrow.

Hermione got me a small pocket watch, as I open it Hermione speaks up "It's a magical pocket watch. Since your muggle wristwatch doesn't work at Hogwarts."

I give her a smile "Thanks, I like it a lot."

Harry got me a large crystal ball, noticing my confusion Harry speaks up, "When we first met you said you were into Divination, remember?"

As the realization dawns on me I give a thankful smile "Thanks for remembering."

After exchanging formalities under the empty portrait of Ariana I turn to Aria.

I point up to the portrait "That's a portrait of the sister of the man who will be raising you. She is hiding right now but we can come back when she is feeling less shy."

Aria looks at the empty portrait with a curious gaze and nods.

I pat her head as I look around at the trio "Do you guys want to have a snowball fight?"

A unanimous echo rings through the room as they all stand up. "Let's put our stuff away first." I stand up and offer my hand to Aria. She rolls up her sleeve and takes it standing up. I pick up her present for her and she carries the cloak.

"Let's go."