Duel Against Flitwick

(Short A/N: Basically a lot of personal stuff happened that kept me from returning sooner, the planned 1-month break turned into 4 sadly. But here I am back again, I always come back.)


With a hand, I easily hop up the four-foot raised stage and walk to Flitwick.

He nods, "I want this to be a display that shows what a real duel is like, can you help me with that."

"I'll do my best professor."

"Good. I will only attack to push you off, but do not hold back against me or you will regret it." Seeing him grin I nod, he still seems tired but it seems like he is having fun.

Standing at the center he speaks, "Put your back to me." I follow his orders and put my back to him making the massive height difference very noticeable.

"Now fifteen paces."

Again I follow orders and take fifteen heel-to-toe paces ending a few feet from the edge.

"Now turn to face your opponent."

Turning around I realize the massive advantage he has, he seems so small being a little over twenty feet away. If I were to raise my arm too high I would be unable to see his body.


Placing my wand and hand over my chest, I bow politely and ready myself.


Without hesitation, I flick my wand, "Expulso, Stupify, Expelliarmus, Immobulus."

Flitwick's eyes widen as messy white strings release from his wand forming a small hummingbird. The hummingbird releases a wave of white light consuming the spells causing them to vanish mid air.

"Isn't that a bit overkill?" I ask flicking my wand again, three blue arrows release from my wand.

"Not in the slightest," He says with a small smile as his hummingbird blocks the spells again. With a flick of his wand I see two blue spells coming at me.

"Expecto Patronum," a wave of white light consumes the room as my massive Nundu patronus is produced next to me. The two spells coming at me vanish as my patronus steps forward.

The wave of light from the two patronus's clashes and causes a warm cooling breeze to radiate through the room.


Flitwick who seems to be in shock quickly snaps out of it as he flicks my spell away. Seeing him forced to use protego I smile and cast again.

"Immobulus, Expulso, Expelliarmus,"

With on big raise of his wand a thin sheen of transparent white covers him, it looks like the one Salazar used to protect himself. All three spells hit the shield and helplessly fizzle to nothing before the barrier.

With a quick flick of his wrist I see four blue beams of light heading towards me. Weaving to the left standing thin I chain protego three times deflecting the spells into the ground.

Without much thought I fire three more arrows at Flitwick, wand arrows are very weak but they can make defending annoying.

"Glacius duo!" This time I aim the spell at his feet. The ground on his entire half of the stage is bathed in ice as he blocks the arrows I can hear him grunt a bit.

Firing three more arrows I see Flitwick almost stumble on the ice as he deflects them.

Seeing a chance I cast a much faster spell, "Levicorpus," Flitwick's eyes widen as he is pulled upside down but rather than annoyance I see a wide grin on his face.

"Liberacorpus," he casts twisting in air a white haze coats his body as he sofly lands on the icy ground. Before he even looks up at me his wand is already pointed at me and glowing blue.

My eyes widen seeing a massive beam of blue light heading my way, "Protego Totalum."

The stream of blue light strikes my shield and pushes me back a few feet before fizzling out. I let out a sigh readying myself again but as I raise my wand another large streak of blue flys at me.

Without a choice, I chantlessly cast Stupify and clash with Professor Flitwick directly. I can feel my arm struggling to hold up as I pour all my power into pushing him back. I can't see Flitwick through the clashing beams but I figure he must be struggling as well.

As the beams clash they begin to liquefy and slosh in the center of the room. Putting my other hand on my arm to hold it steady I can feel I am slowly pushing Flitwick back. The already flowing air in the room begins to churn violently and I feel like I should stop my push.

Before I make up my mind I feel Flitwick's push collapse and I shove right through. Against my expectations, the beam flies right over his head and strikes the wall behind him. My eyes widen as I see a now serious looking Flitwick fling a wave of blue magic at me.

Without time to react I manage to put up a arm in front of myself as I fling back and hit the wall behind me. Before I can fall my Patronus manages to catch me with its scorpion tail before fading from existence.

Now laying on the ground surrounded by students I let out a long sigh. "Ouch," I mutter as I blanky stare at the ceiling.

""SOREN,"" I hear some yells come from the crowd as I look 'up' I see Harry, Ron, Hermione, Daphne, and Theo cutting through the crowd.

Harry reaches me first as he was already standing, "Are you okay?!"

I shrug as I raise my hands for him to help me up, "Fine enough."

Harry grabs one hand as Ron takes the other and they help pull me up. Hermione is frantically looking me up and down for injuries while Daphne ruffles my hair to clear the dust out.

Seeing that I am now very dusty I quickly pat the dust off my clothes.

"GOOD SHOW MR. BLACK!" I hear Flitwick's exillerated voice from the stage.

Turning around I see Flitwick is now grinning from ear to ear not too far away, "That was the best duel I've had in over thirty years, you truly are a dueling prodigy."

I give a wry smile, "I also didn't expect Professor to be so tough."

Flitwick's grin turns a bit toothy, "I am not the world dueling champion for nothing. I may be old but I'm still tough."

"Heh, you sure are professor, though I didn't expect you to use your Patronus."

Flitwick gives me a sly look, "And I didn't expect you to chain four spells right off the bat, or to use one yourself."

"I've been known to give pleasant surprises,"

Flitwick's smile softens, "I hope you will give me more such surprises in the future. I have always wanted a student to surpass me."

I give a thumbs up, "I will try professor."

Flitwick nods as he looks around the class, "Alright class, in light of today's events we will speak of Patronus's and their applications to dueling."