Ancient Runes

As expected Harry does fine turning the Voldemort boggart into a poshly dressed businessman with a pink suit. Eventually, the line dwindles till there is only Draco and me who have yet to go.

Lupin gives us a small smile as he looks between us, "Are you two going to try?"

"No thank you, professor," I say while Draco shakes his head no.

Lupin nods, "Very well, then we will wrap it up here for the day." Lupin claps his hands together, "You are dismissed, no homework for today."

The class begins to bustle but I just look at Draco with a smile, "Don't want to face your fears?"

Draco doesn't look at me but holds a very somber expression, "It's uncomfortable."

With his words, he begins to walk out with Crabbe quickly following him out. He has been acting rather odd since the start of the school year, he looks at me with both fear and respect. I understand that his father probably told him a bit about me but I still find the change odd.

"Do you want to study before we go to our next class?" I look up to see Hermione with Ron and Harry in front of me.

I shrug at her words, "We can do our charms homework if you want." I say looking between the two who look off-put by the proposition of studying.

Harry perks up at my suggestion, "I agree," Ron nods along with him.

Hermione sighs, "I suppose, but once we finish I want to study some Ancient Runes before we go to class."

"Sure," I say giving Lupin a nod before heading to the study rooms.

After getting our homework done Hermione and I head to Ancient Runes while Ron and Harry head back to the dorm.

Stepping into class I see we are in a class with only Griffyndor's, though some of them are fourth years. The number of students is quite small which is understandable considering it is a single house elective class.

Hermione and I sit next to Katie as she is the only person we recognize in the class. After only a minute or two a short, plain-looking woman walks into the room with professor's robes on. She is probably shorter than me with nested brown hair, blue eyes, and a very ordinary face.

Once she gets to the desk she turns around with a jolly smile, "Hello class, I am Professor Bathsheda Babbling, just call me Professor B for short if you'd like. I will be your Ancient Runes professor for the year, it is nice to meet you all."

"Since classes are only Monday and Friday feel free to leave your books with me on your off days. All homework will be from books readily available in the library. Runes can be quite tricky and fickle so feel free to come and visit me with your questions during my office hours."

"There are many different types of runes, today is special, we will be talking about runes derived from proto-Germanic and proto-Finnic languages. Most modern-day runes are derived from old English, but I think it will be best we start a bit earlier. Now come on everyone, pull out your books and turn to page one fifty-seven."

I sigh as I open my book, I know a lot of runes fairly well since studying them with that book McGonagall got me. But those runes are transfiguration script made from old to middle English runes, therefore far more 'understandable' for me.

As the class goes on I begin to think about the shield I took from the vault. Out of curiosity, I begin flipping through the book to find the rune that was written on the shield. It doesn't take me long to find it under the advanced proto-European early proto-Celtic languages.

To the surprise of no one, it means 'rew', welsh for frost, frozen, or ice. I spend the rest of class reading up on the close connection between welsh and runes. According to the book, it is the best translator for most European runes without losing their true meaning. Too bad I was born an American and only know English, with some small tidbits of other languages.

I look back up as 'Professor B' claps her hands, "Alright class, that will be the end of today's lessons. There won't be any homework for today but I ask you to take a look into some runes that interest you. I may ask you about your favorite runes on Monday."

Seeing that class is over I decide to take some time to look into the shield. I want to know how the runes end up producing magic on their own.

"Do you want to go back to the dorms?" Hermione asks with Katie looking at me as well.

I stand with a smile, "Sorry, there is something else I want to do first. I'll be back around dinner time."

Hermione shrugs as she stands up with Katie and walk out before I gather my books. I take my time and head to a private study room.

Pulling out the shield I set it on the table and begin to inspect it. It seems to have lost its power after the knight was defeated, I assume the knight was what held the fuel to power it.

The rune itself is still well intact but it is no longer glowing and the snowflake that hung above it has vanished. Reaching out a hand I gently touch to rune only to quickly pull away as I feel a sharp cold pain from my hand.

The dull gray rune lights up a bit as if activated by my touch, after a few seconds it quickly fades. My eyes narrow as I cover my hand in my shroud and touch it again. This time as soon as my hand touches it my shroud consumes the shield and I quickly pull away again.

Seeing the shroud cover shield I grow a bit concerned as to why the shroud is doing something on its own. I try to recall it but it doesn't listen for a few seconds until it is done with it's 'job'. Once the fragment of my shroud returns to me I see the shield is now changed. Rather than the shiny white and blue the shield is now black and silver as if it is to be held by a Morgoth himself.

Looking closer I see that the rune on it has changed to a more complex one. It is like mounds resting below an inverted four-pronged F. My jaw almost drops as I look at the change in the shield and realization dawns on me.

I pull out one of my many magic items from my cloak, a small golden key that can unlock enchanted doors. Using my shroud I try coating it like what just happened to the shield, sure enough, my shroud responds covering it and changing it. When the shroud returns to me the key is now black and white and has a skull on the head of it.

I shake my head as I pull out my Runes Dictionary and begin to look for the runes on the shield. After flipping through the whole book I find myself stumped as I can't seem to find them.

Without another thought, I quickly pull out a piece of paper and replicate the runes onto it. Putting away the shield and paper I walk out and head back to Professor B's office.