Too Many Weasley's

Once they stop pulling me I follow them to their shop which now has a moderately large portrait resting on the wall at the end of the main strip.

A bit confused, I look at the twins, "Why did you bring me here, I thought you said you found a vault?"

A sly grin grows on their faces as they keep leading me into the shop towards the portrait, "We did."

With an exaggerated gesture, they show off the portrait, "This is a portkey that puts you into the vault." Fred says with a cheeky grin.

I observe the portrait closely with a scrupulous gaze. The portrait is fairly dark, it's a painting of a suit of armor resting in front of what appears to be a sealed stone door with blue torches on each side.

"How did you find this?" I ask curiously.

They look at each other for a moment before nodding, "We got Charlie to spill the beans in return for setting up a date with Professor Sinestra." George says obviously proud of himself.

I sigh as I nod, "There weren't any rules against it, I guess that's pretty smart. When do you guys want to explore it?"

"What time do you get out of class on Friday?"

"Three, after runes."

"Great, we'll wait for you here, after class," Fred says with George giving a nod.

With a nod of affirmation they walk away while fist bumping each other. Shaking my head I head back to dinner while thinking about what I know of the third vault. Dumbledore and Snape didn't have much information about it so I'll have to ask Charlie… I'll also have to tease him about his date.

Getting back to the Great Hall I notice Aria is gone and immediately lock eyes with Charlie who is sitting at the professors table next to Professor Aurora with Aria on his lap between them. I give him a knowing smirk as I sit back down between Daphne and Harry. He looks back at Professor Aurora obviously trying to avoid my gaze, this makes me only want to tease him more.

Seeing my gaze at the professor's table the girls follow my gaze letting out sighs, "They are so cute together." Hermione says leaning on her hand with a pleased smile.

I stroke my chin with a small smile, "They do, which gives me all the more pleasure." The last part of my sentence is quiet but still earns me odd looks from around the table.

Looking around I see everyone giving me odd looks except for Theo who looks a bit angry.

"What?" I ask looking between Daphne and Hermione.

Daphne looks away blushing while Hermione sighs, I look back at Harry who laughs a bit.

Before I can get an answer as to why everyone is looking at me Luna speaks up "You know they say freckles are a sign you were stabbed to death in your last life. The number of freckles indicates how many times you were stabbed before you died."

My gaze flicks to Luna for the mistimed odd comment but quickly all heads turn to the heavily freckled face of Ronald Weasly who is staring at Luna with an incredibly creeped-out look.

Noticing his gaze Luna smiles, "It's only a myth, silly, nothing like that could be real."

'Oh that's the thing that can't be real,' I think to myself as I hear a few sighs from around the table.

"You know, you're bloody scary sometimes," Ron says before digging into his food once again.

Luna looks confused but I can see a few small nods in agreement. Theo shakes his head, "I don't think YOU should be the one meddling in relationships, Soren."

My brows raise at the abrupt comment, "First of all, ow, second of all you're still on that? And third, it was only a joke, I wouldn't actually mess with their relationship."

Theo smiles a bit as he shakes his head and stands up, "I'm going to go prepare more magic drinks before this shop opens next weekend."

After Theo leaves everyone else slowly begins to leave before I am left alone to do my studying at the dorm room in peace.

At this point I've gotten a fair grasp on the sumarien runes and decide to move on to study other things that I am not yet bored of.

Leaning back in my desk I close my eyes and begin to remember the book that the vault put in my mind. Slowly I begin to read it back to myself through memory, I feel the more I do this the book feels like a memory than a book written by someone else.

It is a bit strange but I can feel the feelings that Arcturus Black felt, the uneasiness, the self-doubt, the self-hatred. It was odd because his feelings were nowhere near as deep as mine yet he took such drastic actions, does that say something about me? Perhaps I am not getting the full scope of emotions from him since it was transmitted through a book.

Past the emotions I can feel how it felt for him to cast the spell the book was centered around, Protego Diabolica. When he cast it on his friends for the first time I could feel the want he felt, the desire to be loved, to be validated. It may even be a component to the spell with the way he described its creation.

Maybe not the whole 'love me or die' thing but the desire to find those who truly believe in you and have no ill intent. I can understand that feeling, but I like to think that I am a good character judge.

After 'reading' the book for the third time I feel as though I should be able to cast the spell. Using my 'sight' I make sure no one else is in the dorm right now and cover myself in my cloak and make my way out to the forest again.

I stop once I notice acromantulas within my line of sight, once again I plan on bullying the ugly things. Holding out my wand I flick my wand in a U shape before waving it in a circle above my head.

"Protego Diabolica," I speak calmly in a light voice as a black and gray flame dragon is produced from my wand. The dragon is thin and is not as 'full' as it was in the book but I can chalk that up to it being my first try casting it. Luckily the fire doesn't seem to be burning any of the trees around me, not even the grass it is touching.

After a few moments, the dragon settles into a normal ring of fire about ten feet in diameter around me. Uncloaking myself I stand staring at the acromantula who begin to scatter about the forest floor noticing my presence.

As they approach the ring of fire they pause before running up a nearby tree. I watch calmly as they climb to a branch that reaches over my head. With a leap three of them drop down towards me and I prepare my cloak just in case.

With a roar, the ring of fire comes to life once again taking the form of a dragon opening its maw devouring the spiders in a single bite. As the dragon's body passes through them the charred corpses of the spiders drop to my feet hitting the ground and shattering into ashes.

I nod as the other spiders seemingly now understand the danger of the fire and retreat off the tree. The dragon settles back into the ring as the remaining spider quickly scurries out of sight.

With a satisfied smile, I pause about to leave but I pause as I see two swift figures flash by my peripherals.