Stayed with him


"God, that prevailed the most adequate day ever in my life. I sense like I wished to disappear because this was the cutest thing that ever transpired in my life." I conversed with myself in this enormous room with no people beside me but I still believe that he is always beside me even though he is not here with me.

'Why is his grin so delightful and I felt like I craved to squeeze his cheeks. Even his cheeks render me crazy how his chuckles already make me wanted to execute suicide.'I feel like a crazy person who always reckoning about the person that would

never going to be in their vitality.

I am still thinking about his smile and if I don't want his smile gone I need to do something to make me still remember it. I go to my valuable room so people will never come in without my authorization.

I get inclined before drawing his glamorous face with his cute smile. I don his pink apron just wished to make him look just like him. I seize a brush to sketch the details of his smile, eyes, and his cheeks. Just needed to make it look precise and we will show it to our son that his father does this just to make him still remember his glorious wife.

Classic music has always been the biggest thing in my life because it constantly makes me still. I sketched his face with so much effort and was comprehensive not to make it turn awful.

'Even his face looked risky to bring out but I still discovered a way to make it look easier because he's always the one who will make anything turn susceptible even though there were too many to impede his life but he still uncovers a way to get up and reveals who he is.'

I thought about him while painting his face and the smiles still plastered on my face like steel.

"What he will do right now. I hope he is doing okay. If not then I strive that nothing is going to happen to him when I'm not with him." The calm room only heard murmurs and classical music. It's excessively modest and I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don't want to wreck this sketch so I just forget the important things that I need to take care of.

"Boss, did you need something?"

"No, I don't want anything but I want you to make this yearning for me."

"What is it, boss?"

"I want you to insulate Akari at all costs."

"If that 's what you want then I will do it, Boss."

"Good, now you dismiss."

They wandered back to their place before asking some of them to accompany my wife. I just stayed here still captivating his face.

After like 4 hours I guess. I dwelled here like a psycho man with finalizing this painting. I stared at the smudges a little bit before taking a picture of the painting.

"Wow, this is the most fascinating thing that I've ever done in my whole life. This gapes so precisely for our new house." I stared at the painting before letting it dwelled inside this room so no one will know it when this is not looking like a revelation at all.

"I know that you still can't abide that I do something horrible to your body and your name but I hope you will exonerate me even though it is just only two words but it still gives a big connotation inside my heart." I talked to myself before tears gushed out of my eyes.

I was crying inside this room without no one satisfying me. This is also my shortcoming for doing anything disastrous to him. I feel like I expected to go back to the time that I will never do that to him. I am the most unpleasant husband and father in this world.

I can't stop myself from sobbing just thinking about him who was mistreated by my words and my action towards him. I do that for frivolity but it makes me feel culpable and unhappy to think about his appeal for something he didn't do.

The crying got louder and louder until there was thunder inside the room or we can just tell someone was earning hysterical. I hit my head. Why did that to him? If I can't halt what I was doing, maybe we can be like a happy family. I just lay on the ground not looking after the dirt on the floor because I was busy imagining about him.

'Why did I do that to him? He gazed so distressing and demolished by my words but the worst thing is I assaulted him while he was deflected by my pheromones. He shouldn't live with me because I am more guiltiest of him. He is too expensive and too hazardous to stay with me. ' I gripping my hair tightly just like blood can come out from my head. Like it wants to show how ignorant I was for doing that.

All memories of him come to me like striking me with a train. He injures but he still stands up for his babies because he knows that he is still struggling in this world.

'I need to soothe myself in this team. I need to get intense for him and I'm going to remake anything for him. I will do anything to make him smile. He and our child can make me feel alive in this world. If I am still being vulnerable he will never look at me.' I stand up from the floor before wiping all stained tears on my cheeks.

I get out of the room and locked it before striding like a dead person. I almost stagger on the stairs of how tired I was and I still feel nasty for doing that. I just can't get him out of my mind because he is my wife, my mate, and my everything. I can't live without him because I copulate with him.

All the guards glanced at me in an uproar because this was the first time they saw me sobbing before. They always see me as a strong man who would never cry just a simple thing but this is numerous because I was worried about my wife.

We kept up in the living room as we dwelled in the library. There were no voices and there was just awkwardness among us. I try to make conversation but get branded by my bodyguards.

"Boss, did you need anything?"

"We can assist you. You looked like an extinct person right now."That guard getting hit on the head for saying that but I just chuckle at their antics.

" It's ok. You don't wish to say sorry. I'm just imagining how to make it better." I sat on that sofa before staring at the ceiling and reckoning about everything. There were too many aspects in my head.

"Boss, I think I should commend you for just keeping up with them. So they will don't feel pessimistic while you are not with them." The guards just said to me and I don't know how to confront him again because he will think something bizarre with me.

"Should I go there because I don't want to provide him with more pressure than before?" I peeked at each one of my guards. They just only nodded to me before grinning at each other.

I don't know why their faces are like that but I find something suspicious with that grinning.

"What are you guys lurking in? I will slaughter you guys if you guys don't confide in me what you guys are hiding behind that ugly grin." I threatened them but they just grinned at me.

"Boss. You are not fun. We are just trying to make a recreation of you but you are not into a joke." One of them whined about what I just said.

"Yeah, he just only recognizes how to make a joke dad."

"Shut up, did you want to get massacred by your boss. " he hit both of the bodyguards.

I just chuckle before saying calmly what they were hiding from me.

"This is what we want you to give this for him." They showed a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Are you sure that he will like this gift because he may fling this somewhere else while I belong to his eyes?" I checked the bouquets before looking at their eyes.

"Yeah, we are sure that he will like this souvenir because he's an Omega who loves flowers and glorious things."

"Yeah, and one more thing we are an Alpha. We can't say violent words to them and blow them away because they are costly in this beautiful world." This bodyguard is just daydreaming about their Omega and even one of them already drooling.

"You guys didn't support me at all. You are just daydreaming about your Omega only." I said dumbfounded at their stupidity. They just perspire and they close their eyes just lingering to get hit by me.

"Fine, I'll do all those things that you guys just said to me but if he said contrarily you guys will get the payback," I said to them before standing up and go upstairs just to grab some clothes because I want to live there like a week so I will get to recognize him more.

"I hope he doesn't look after I stay at his house for a week," I murmured and got ready to go to his house.

"Boss, did you require some assistance? We can help you discover his house."

"You don't need to. I just dwelled there for a week and I want you guys to take care of this house while I am gone." They just nodded and stayed there like a statue and this is my possibility to run away and go to his house.

The driving takes like an hour to reach his house. I glanced from the window and saw they were playing outside with the huskies.

I am ambling to them and the first thing I get is cuddling from my children. They hugged me tightly to make my back hit on the grass.

"Father, we miss you. Why don't you hang around with us?" Momo said to me before crying out loud and her brother trying to comfort her but he was also crying because he saw his sister crying.

"I missed you too. I'm unfortunate for fleeing you guys." We were crying on the ground before Akari came to us and cuddled with us. We just snickered at each other before standing up and going inside the house but I clasped his hands before both of us went inside.

"Hiroto, did you need something. I can help you if you want something." He was too forgiving to me and I feel like I wanted to cry again but I was already crying.

"Hiroto, please stop crying. I am embarrassed if I say something to you that can influence your emotion." I just told him that I was okay but I am not okay because he was too lovely and tolerant.

"It's not that. It's just you're too kind and glamorous. I just wanted to defend you from bad people." I was still crying but he just reassured me that it was okay.

"Akari, I wished to give you something." We stepped into my car.

I opened the door and gave the bouquets to him. His face changed promptly. He smelled the flowers but the worst thing is he got wet from the flowers because there was a spray inside them.

"Hiroto, what the hell is this? What are you taking off to do right now? You are the most awful man in this world." He pouted before walking back inside the house. I made the most surprising thing in the world. I hugged him from behind.

"Akari, that's not my failure. Please forgive me." I still nuzzle his back from behind like I don't want him to run away from me.

"So who is belittling you right now? You are the one who gives these bouquets to me." He is still furious at me.

"That's was my bodyguards who gave this to me. They instructed me to just give this to you because you are an Omega like a flower. I didn't know that they would do this." He ceased by my words and kicked me on the ball.

"They're what you get when you are not testing first what's behind the flowers and this is what you get for telling the truth." He kissed me on the lips before fondling me back.

"Did you kiss me? Did you kiss me on the lips?" His face changed but still nodding at what I asked him. My face turned into a gleam.

"Yeah, I got a kiss from my wife and I am impressed by it. He is the most wonderful man in this world. I got kissed by fierce Omega and I feel like the blessedest man in this realm." I walked around the front yard and he giggled at my childishness. I feel timid about doing that because everyone in that village is staring at us.

"Yeah, yeah I'm your wife but you need to be more thoughtful and tremendous if you want to be my husband." He said before sniffing the flowers that I just gave to him.

"Can I stay here for a week? I need to learn more about you. I hope you approve that I stay with you guys." I kicked the rock on the grass and did not make eye contact with him because it feels odd and discomfiting.

"Of course, you can stay with us. You are their father and you are my husband. Of course, you need to dwell with us." He comes to me and mends my tie after what happened back then.

"You know that you peeped just like an ideal wife of being my wife. You even birth my children." I lifted his chin and looked straight into his beautiful blue eyes. I kissed him and he kissed me back.

I picked up my luggage and went into his two-story house. The kids were fiddling around the living room. I strolled behind them and hugged them.

To be continued,

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