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4. It's A Pretty Sin, But

"... are, Sir. Sir," call the cab driver from the driver's seat, "Here we are, Sir."

Lucas came out of his reverb.

Twenty minutes to Luna Lee's apartment, spent bottled up with mixed emotions. Regret about what he did last night and anger because Luna had ruined his marriage. Round and round fills his mind. Then the driver's call brought him to his senses.

"Oh, okay, okay. Thank you very much."

He hands over the bills, then it drops down, releases the suit and heads down to the elevator to the floor where Luna is living. Just as he was coming out of the elevator a call came in, from Luna Lee.

"What are you doing, you bitch!" Lucas snapped without further ado.

There was a faint cackling on the other side of the phone.

"Aw~ why are you so angry, Dear? I'm just sending a special gift to Emma Robbie. Did she like it? Let me guess, I think not... Ha ha!"

Reflex, Lucas stopped walking and punched the wall beside him.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch! You're completely..." his jaw twitched until he was unable to continue. Also his face was red and the veins bulge out like they were about to burst.

Again, Luna Lee was heard speaking.

"By the way, are you on your way to my apartment, Lucas?"


"Well, like I said last night, I wasn't there. I have to leave in the morning. That's also why I wanted to give you a present."


"Ha ha ha," Luna Lee guffawed, "I won't shut up. I won't shut up, Lucas Lewis!"

This time, Luna Lee's tone was different. Much deeper, much more serious.

She says, "Listen, Lucas. I would never, ever, ever let you live a comfortable life. Your family, you, and them. You should suffer the consequences for ruining someone's life―"

"What do you mean?" interrupted Lucas, wondering.

"What I mean?" Luna retorted, "You don't know what I mean? Ah, after the breakup of me, your stupidity grew, did it?"

"Just speak clearly, you son of bitch!" Lucas snapped, looking forward to it.

"I've been very clear about this, and you, Lucas, just find out for yourself what I'm saying. Also keep this one in mind; That I will truly destroy you and your family. Remember that, Lucas," Luna said in a voice that sounded rather quivering. Then the phone is switched off unilaterally.

"What? What is... hello? Hello, Luna? Argh, damn it! She turn it off," Lucas punching the wall again.

He tried to called Luna to clarify the situation but could not pick up. In fact, it seems that Luna turned off her cell phone as well.

It's really confusing.

Lucas had no idea why Luna sounded so earnest when she said she wanted to destroy him and his family.


What grudge did Luna Lee harbor that much anger?

Didn't he and Luna break up all right?

Putting aside the confusion Lucas Lewis, in the meantime, somewhere else. At the airport, Luna Lee had just come out of the bathroom and washed her face in the sink. The flight isn't for another hour and a half. Then she looked at the large mirror of the sink. Exhaling and looking at the only thing reflected in the mirror.

"Hhh..." she exhaled heavily.

Slowly, she recalls the fragments of how she and Lucas began, grew, and parted. None of this would have happened if it hadn't been for that one!

(To be continued...)