The Boy with Jewel Eyes

As morbid as it may be, Drystan would rather die than continue living in pain and despair in this hellish place.

While seeing the other captives get shipped off like products is traumatizing, the way they're dealt with really isn't that gruesome. He prefers getting the same treatment rather than staying as a prisoner in a laboratory where mad science comes to life. Yet here he is walking down the hall of some underground research facility as one of their newly-arrived human experiments.

'And it's all because of these stupid eyes of mine.'

To keep himself from looking through the gore of who knows what beyond the glass walls around him, he pays his whole attention on his reflection instead. What he finds staring back at him is his messy chestnut-brown hair, a lean stature with skin that's so pale it's almost ghastly, and a breathtakingly exotic pair of rubies.

Precious rubies as radiant as the rarest of gems. His crystal eyes.

This physical feature is a rare trait that can only be possessed by the direct descendants of a fallen royal lineage. From one generation after another, it's being passed down. The whole world is aware of its existence, and because of how special jewel eyes are, the lives of the members who inherited them are always in potential danger.

And that led Drystan to this mess.

'As I walked to what I thought to be my death with the people who kidnapped me, I was met with yet another unpleasant surprise. Standing near the gate of what they claimed to be my prison was none other than the head honcho - a man who introduced himself as my new father.'

Marius, the ringleader of the notorious Viatrix mafia group.

In reality, he's the least fatherly person that Drystan has ever met. It's not only because he's cold-hearted and seems to lack any type of empathy, but also because, to put it simply, he abuses children for his own profit - or for science as he would say it. Currently, he is his newest experiment.

'Experiment my ass. If there's anyone here who's gonna get their eyes poked out for some sick experiment, it will be you, Marius Viatrix,' Drystan wanted to declare then but knew better than to mess things up even more.

Both of them are forced to halt on their tracks at the sight of a couple of men in lab clothing carrying a screaming girl down the hallway. The fear and trepidation that had been in the back of his head had amplified by tenfold then. It's an extremely horrifying scene to witness.

The girl seems a bit older than Drystan, though it's hard to tell amidst her screeching fit. Her long, wavy black hair is matted, and her body is riddled with all sorts of repulsive wounds. On top of those are poorly bandaged ones that're covered with blood. There are also beads of sweat that have rolled down the sides of her tear-stricken face.

"You bastards! Let go of me...!" the girl shouted at her captors.

"I'll make you pay for this! I-I'll make you...! I'll definitely make you-"

Her words are choked by her tears.

Drystan looks down, his head spinning. He had been wondering what would happen to him ever since he was sent there - and now, he knows.

It's his fate to become some kind of rabid animal, helplessly wailing, clawing and biting at his tormentors. It's his fate to suffer like everyone else here. He tried to escape more than once, but he failed every single time. Rebel he did, and now, he found himself in this hellhole - a cage he knew he couldn't escape from.

"Come along now."

Marius pushed Drystan forward, having no regard for what they had just seen. He has become used to it at this point - or perhaps, he was never affected by it in the first place. Either way, he makes him feel sick with how rotten to the core he is.

"Don't look at anyone, Allaric," Marius ordered sternly.

Drystan silently nodded.

He couldn't help but wonder what would happen to that girl they saw, though. She must've had it much worse than him.

'Would she die a painful death today? Or would she be kept alive and continue to suffer? Which option is worse?'

They continue on their way.

His eyes remain glued on the floor the whole time. The rhythmic clack of their shoes fill their ears. Other than that sound, there's nothing but silence - heavy, dreadful silence.

Drystan dares a glance upward again only to see someone darting along the hall. There, he finds a young beautiful girl around the age of thirteen just like him. She has shoulder-length honey-orange hair that seems to gleam a golden color once streaked by light.

Then, their eyes met.

His crimson red jewels met her sapphire blue orbs.

She simply nods before continuing to stride down the hallway. Once more, he can't help but wonder, 'Is she another captive? If so, why is she walking alone?'

Eventually, Drystan is overcome by curiosity. He looks up at Marius and inquires, "Who was that girl?"

He didn't respond. Of course, he wouldn't.

It's Marius, after all. He didn't even tell him where they're heading to in the first place. Still, he went and asked him. He already had a feeling that he wouldn't answer, but he took his shot regardless.

Perhaps, that young girl intrigued Drystan enough to do something he knew would be useless.