Wrath of the Heir

The whole world stills at that very moment - or at least, that's what it seems like to Drystan.

Reality came crashing down at the pull of the trigger, and for a fraction of a moment, nothing else could be heard apart from the bloodcurdling blare of the gunshot as well as the thunderous roar of betrayal that went along with it. That was no act at all. To begin with, there was no apparent reason for it to be one. The bullet had gone and pierced through the air, surging right straight to him.

If he had not dodged at the last second, he would have gotten shot to death.

"I warned you," Ercilia hissed in aggravation as Drystan fell on the ground from shock and horror.

The bullet grazed his skin for the tiniest bit, causing a small amount of blood to trickle down the side of his head. To his relief, it was as good as a scratch, but it could be worse had he continued to trust her blindly. She was right - she already warned him. He also warned himself several times before. Still, he chose to believe in her.

Even then, Drystan was not the only one to blame here anymore. Ercilia herself had deceived him even though things between them had been close to perfection.

'To begin with, why would she pretend to be a villainess? She's more than aware that staying behind here might result to her death, and she won't be so confident about this plan of hers if she's not sure that it'd work out. Once it fails, it's over for her...' he thought, finally accepting reality.

'I knew it. I knew it was futile.'

Frustration overcomes rage.

He looks up at her then. She's still aiming the gun in his direction - resolve in her gaze, firmness in her grip. Instead of throwing a mad fit, he feels nothing but pathetic. He hopes that he possesses even an ounce of her strength and bravery. That is so that he can have the motivation he needs to get out of this situation.

Right now, all he feels is defeat. He's powerless and weak, and as he stoops his head low, he appears just like that.

"Seriously? Are you moping now? Here I thought you're going to bite and claw back," Ercilia scoffed, not satisfied with Drystan's look of resignation.

"What's the use? You've still got that gun pointed at me. If I resist, you'll shoot again."

"So, you're just going to sulk around instead? How ridiculously pathetic."

Her insult has pulled the last string for him. It's the last nail on the coffin.

With that, tears start to pool in the corners of his eyes. Everything is silent from that point onwards.

She can't believe this. He really is about to cry, and perhaps, that is all he is going to do from thereon. It doesn't seem like he's planning to escape, either. Brimming in his tear-filled jewel irises is the actual want to surrender to his blasted fate.

Ercilia can't help but snort, showing no remorse.

"Now, that's no fun at all. We still have time. You can resist a little..." she snickered, not feeling like ending things this way.

"You're supposed to be super smart. Why're you being such a dumbass right now? Come on. You can entertain me better than that."

"What... did you say...?" he muttered breathlessly, gritting his teeth.

"Entertain? This is entertaining for you?"

"Why, of course~! You're my toy, and I'm your playmate, remember? It's all fun and games."

"The hell did you just say?"

"What? You've gone deaf now-"

"You've gotta be kidding me!"

Rage returns, overcoming frustration.

Now, Drystan feels more than betrayed. This goes beyond anything he felt before. Ercilia has thoroughly crushed him - his trust, his feelings, his humanity. All along, he's just a mere source of entertainment for her.

In his most vulnerable state, he gave everything he's got to hold onto that glimmer of hope that was her. He genuinely felt happy, and he sincerely enjoyed being with her. But now, he learned that all those times they spent together were just fake - just a huge, fat lie.

While he saw her as his everything at those moments, she saw him as nothing but a game.

"You freaking little liar!" he hollered angrily, glaring daggers at her.

"Now, that's more like it~ It's so boring when you're being a ball of negativity," she quipped with an amused grin.

"I'll never forgive you, Viatrix."

"No problem. I don't need your forgiveness, anyway, Allaric."

More than the bitter truth of Ercilia's betrayal, Drystan can't stand the thought that the first ever person he trusted with all his heart has ended up to be a liar who sees him as nothing more than a plaything this entire time.