About Time

"Aren't we supposed to be at the airport by now?" Ercilia asked warily from the car's backseat, watching as Gunther drove down what appeared to be a shopping district.

"It's an order from the boss. He told us to take you here first. Go buy anything you want," Ethan explained from the front seat.

"What are you saying? I don't really-"

"Don't worry, Ms. Ercilia. He'll pay for it." 

He turns around to face her and pulls out something from his pants pocket. She blinks at the piece of paper that he holds out to her then. 

"Okay. I get it. But seriously? A check? Return it to him," she said as she pushed it back to him.

"No can do. We'll be in trouble if you don't buy something," he insisted, grabbing her hand and closing her fingers over it.

"He already spent a lot on me, Sir Ethan! I can't take any more."

"Too bad for you. The boss thinks otherwise."