Early Holiday City Tour

Ercilia steels the resolve to keep Drystan from getting any reaction.

She doesn't like the way he's putting on a show in front of everyone. Being romantic doesn't suit him at all – hopeless, most probably. He can't possibly mean any of what he's saying. 

Then again, it's all but an arranged engagement. 

'To my dear Ercilia…' read the letter Drystan had sent before Ercilia arrived. 

'I hope you're able to enjoy yourself so far. It might've already occurred to you, I believe – that I want to attain something with this. I don't want to keep you suspecting any longer. Therefore, it's with heartfelt sincerity that I ask you of this – please, become my bride.'

She wasn't sure what to feel at the time. She wasn't sure how she should take it.

The only thing she's certain of is what she'll have to do.