Emotions Getting Out of Control

"I don't think I can do it, Drystan."

Ercilia has never danced before. At least, the way Drystan probably expects. 

Dancing is supposed to be a freeing activity – one meant for letting loose, releasing steam, and expressing oneself. She's not used to any of those things, so she doesn't know how to dance – and with him in front of her, encouraging her, she feels herself go stiff while her feet remain glued to the ground.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You can just follow my lead," he assured her with a smile that made him appear so ethereal under the warm, mellow lights.

Seeing her hesitant look, Drystan steps away from her, just slightly out of reach. He then holds his hand out to Ercilia, still grinning as he says, "I'll be more than pleased to be able to dance with you tonight."

She heaves out a sigh in defeat, grabbing his hand and shoulder while he holds her waist. Afraid that she might trip at any moment, she clutches tightly onto him.