Capturing Moments

Upon seeing Ercilia and Drystan sleeping together, Meir comes up with an interesting idea.

He hurries up to his room, a grin lighting up his face. On top of the table at the side of his bed, there lies his polaroid camera – a Christmas present from Ercilia. He cradles it in his hands, holding it with utmost care. 

'I can finally pay her back for this and with this,' he thought with an ecstatic glint in his eyes before he ran back down to the basement. 

Ercilia is completely sprawled out on the couch. Meir finds it both amusing and unusual.

She has her feet propped up on the armrest at the far end, an arm flung over the back while the other supports her head – which happens to be right in the middle of his uncle's lap. Even though her resting pose is chaotic, her expression is one of utter peace and great comfort.

Meir is surprised to see Drystan also resting well.