Sick Hours

Meir is laying down on the bed, red to the face, while being huddled by some pillows.

Drystan has already gotten the thermometer. Ercilia grabs it and checks his temperature. 

"Thirty-seven point ninety-four degree."

That makes them both feel a bit better. 

It was only a cold. No hospital needed.

"Thank goodness. He wasn't one to get sick, so I was so worried. I'm sorry I've made you late for your appointment today, Lia. You can get going. We've got it here. It's a good thing I was off today," Drystan told Ercilia.

"No! I don't want Mama to leave! I want Mama and Papa!" Meir exclaimed out of nowhere.

Both jolt at that in surprise. They look at him then at each other – back and forth. Both wonder if they heard right. It's the first time he called them that – probably due to the cold.

Taking that into consideration, Ercilia and Drystan came to a silent agreement to just let Meir be.