Love That is Enough

Ercilia is furious.

At what she did. At herself.

Tactful as always, Drystan thanked her for her thoughtfulness, assuring her that she didn't have to. Meir tried to follow his lead, a weird look on his face. Ever the oblivious, Ercilia didn't notice anything was up.

That was until she tasted it.

'It was terrible. Absolutely horrible.'

And she made them eat it. 

She cares a lot for Meir and Drystan. Ercilia is more than sure of that. 

But she wonders if she cares for them enough. Most likely not if the disastrous dinner has anything to say about it. 

How lackluster her cooking was, especially with the supposed secret ingredient in effect, was something she didn't expect she'd be most mortified of. 

Ercilia grimaces at the thought. From in front of her, Drystan asks, "Is everything ok?"

"Oh, ummm… Y-Yeah. Everything's fine. I'm fine."

She didn't dare turn around. A heartbeat. He heaves a sigh.