Dealing with Injustice

"I'm afraid this cannot go unpunished, Ms. Viatrix. I'm sure you know that, don't you?" 

Ercilia frowns, already getting vexed. Meir doesn't deserve this. 

The principal is looking at his computer screen, typing away as he talks to her with an unconcerned expression on his face. From the side, the teacher excuses himself and takes his leave.

Once he's done with whatever he's typing, he turns to face her once more.

"You know perfectly well that a young kid his age shouldn't be so violent and rash. For your information, this isn't the first time he's gotten into a mess, and I think it's time we give him a suitable punishment…" the principal said domineeringly. 

"For hurting one of his classmates and for causing chaos during class, Mr. Meir Allaric will be suspended for the next two days."

"With all due respect, I don't think I can agree to that…" the woman firmly opposed.