Incandescent Pandemonium

The night wears on and on, and suddenly, Hermes becomes so aware of the lights, of the music, and of Giselle. 

"No matter what happens, I'll protect the Young Master."

She's looking straight at him as she vows to do whatever she can to fulfill her duty, determined to get through this alongside him and everyone. Then, he suddenly finds himself struck by the idea that she's quite admirable, always ready to put her life on the line for the sake of others.

"Giselle," he breathed, his hands gripping her own. "You know, I-"

But then his cellphone rings out of nowhere, a jarring sound against the melody of the song they've been dancing to. He fumbles to pull it out of his pocket, and when he looks at the caller ID, he feels himself stiffen in place.

"What's wrong?" he asked, trying to gasp for air.

"There's fire in the courtyard, Hermes! That man got trapped inside the gatehouse!"

The music stopped. So did the world.