Descent into Darkness

Immense relief and a tad bit of disbelief imbue everyone.

Ercilia looks up to them, perplexed and enervated yet breathing and sensible. Ruxandra brightens up at the sight, eyes filled with tears of joy. Drystan feels like all his pleas have been heard, making him tear up some more. 

"E-Everyone," she called out weakly, expression soft and gentle. "T-Thank you for coming."

With one final look at Drystan and Ruxandra, Ercilia fades out of consciousness once more.

Even though the medics are still nowhere to be found, they can't help but relax a bit, knowing that she is going to make it out alive somehow. Right then, black spots have started to encroach upon the fringe of Drystan's vision, his fingers groping his side and then coming away slick with blood. He feels as if some tether is being pulled from him through the wound, pulling and pulling before taking with it something vital. 

Ruxandra sighs from the side, and Drystan succumbs to the dark.