Relief and Comfort

The curtains are drawn, the noonday sun spilling through the window and into the hospital room. 

The door stays open for visitors throughout the day, but the nurse is strict about how many are allowed in the room at one time. Only a couple of people never leave, and at that point, the hospital may as well be their second home. 

Ercilia slowly comes to. 

She opens her eyes gradually, vision still bleary from sleep. The first thing she does is look around, taking some time to study her surroundings. She registers the cleanliness of her clothes and the clearness of her skin, a look of confusion breaking out on her face.

'What happened?' 

There are two noticeable pressures on the lower part of the bed. 

Looking down, she finds Drystan and Meir resting. Their eyes are closed in what appears to be a peaceful nap. Ercilia smiles at the sight, joy and relief washing over her. 

'Thank goodness. They're okay.'