The Much Awaited Special Day

Ercilia gently stirs the pot while humming to the tunes of a nostalgic lullaby, stealing a glimpse of the paper bag sitting quietly next to the toaster every so often. 

With each small peek, her heart melts a little bit. By now, it should've turned into a slimy puddle, though. 

She feels quite relieved that Drystan has not arrived yet. Ercilia might die from embarrassment if he ever sees her at that moment. 

'For sure, he'll get angry too,' she thought, sighing. 'I shouldn't be up like this while I'm still recovering.'

But it's Valentine's Day.

It's the moment she's long been waiting for. She has to return what's been given to her.

While waiting for it to simmer, she turns off the buzzing kettle and pours the boiling water into a cup of dried chamomile. After all, a cup of tea is the best company for a plateful of cookies.