Movie Night and Warm Cuddles

'But then, I can't kiss you.'

Drystan lets out a small huff. Turning slightly, he then pulls Ercilia in a tight embrace. 

He looks at her with pleading eyes. "Don't give me those." She evades his gaze, but he pushes in closer. "I let you borrow my shirt and TV, and yet, I don't get any kisses?" He raises a brow at her. 

"I wanna watch the movie. We can do that afterward. I'm gonna be asleep before it ends."

"One kiss?" Drystan coaxed further, earning a sigh from Ercilia.

"Why are you so needy these days?" She keeps her face turned in another direction so as to avoid getting charmed. Of course, he noticed this. He has to stop himself from grinning in order to keep up the helpless begging act he is onto. "Just one tiny little kiss, please?"

Her face softens a little at that. He's never going to give this up.

"I guess if it's only one, tiny, and little," she muttered in playful defeat.