I Hate hospitals

The ambulance made it to the hospital and they have a lot of staff are having a hard time with the people from the restaurant. Trying to be the first to be seen by a doctor for a few little scraps and bruises.the EMTs Made Sure that Sam was first to get medical attention. Since She was the one who has the most damage being Shot 5 times and Saved two children at the same time. At this point Sam is just hanging on a Thread and still out cold.

the the doctors took one look at Sam and Said" get her prepped for the operation and move it." The doctors have working on Sam for more than a 2 Hours But they managed to get all the slugs out of Sam.the doctors have sent Sam to recovery But Sadly Sam bid not wake up.

Two days Later Sam found her self above her body again." Will here we go again. Hay grim are you a round here or some thing. Ok. guess not will lest go look a round." Sam found out that she in the hospital and went looking in the main Lobby.

when Sam made it to the main lobby she found the two children with their mom and their dad. the two children were no worse for wear just a little shooken up. "Good they are going to be ok "Said Sam.their mom and dad just had a couple cuts and bruises and nothing more.Sam went back to her room. She found her body being covered by a white sheet and going to the morgue.(will Fuck. all right where are you grim.)