Sudden and Suspicious Changes

"He's bluffing, Amy."

Samuel just smiled when Nancy thought he was bluffing.

"See that smile?" Nancy pointed towards his face. "That's the smile of Evil. And Liars." She added.

"Looks like the smile of a gentleman to me," Amy said.

"Thank you, Amy," Samuel said, quickly diminishing his smile.

Amy winked. Nancy gagged out of embarrassment, wondering why his smile looked so forced. It added to his handsomeness, so Nancy had to agree.

Nancy narrowed her eyes. This was no ordinary man.

"But, how do you know my parents? And, why didn't I know about you if they knew?" Nancy asked.

"I met Uncle Daniel when I was 17. But, that was when I was on my way to Australia. Maybe that is why you do not know about me. I did not know about you until now as well." Samuel said.

"What did you do in Australia?" Amy asked.

"I studied."

"Are you, by any chance, a drop-out?" Nancy asked.

"No, I skipped grades."

'Not a prodigy, MY ASS!' Nancy thought to herself annoyingly.

Then their pomegranate ice cream arrived, along with the coffee. After making plans with Amy about the next day at college, Nancy asked Samuel to drive her back to her house.

Nancy loved to drive, but ever since her accident, her parents decided Samuel would drive her around instead. Nancy was reckless anyway.

Samuel, after dropping Nancy to her house, drove to Hertwig's apartment. He rang the bell and waited outside for 15 minutes.

Hertwig sure liked to keep people waiting.

The door finally opened, and Samuel could finally enter. He was visiting him for college purposes.

To look after Nancy, he asked Hertwig to get him a job as a teacher in the college. Samuel was qualified, sure. But, for some reason, he had stayed jobless for too long.

No one wanted to keep him after reading his honest resume. Roth even told him to fabricate the resume, but good boy Samuel wanted to present the truth.

What was in his resume anyway? The unknown birthplace? Or something else? Whatever it was, only Samuel and Roth knew about it. And no one dared to ask them for several reasons.

Funny enough, he had experience in teaching. He was a professor in the college he studied at in Australia. Only for a month, though, because Roth called him back.

Ever since then, it has been hard for him to get a job. That's where Hertwig stepped in. Known by almost everyone in the whole campus, there was no way anyone would deny his recommendations.

So, finally, Samuel was going to get an actual job. He was getting it for Nancy. But it was still a full-fledged job.

"That's cool and all. But being a teacher isn't as easy. Are you sure you'll be able to look after Nancy with all that?" Hertwig asked a big-brain question like he always did.

"That is why, I have come to you. You will make sure I get to stay around her." Samuel replied swiftly. Both prodigies were spitting fire.

"Are you ordering me right now?"

Samuel just stared at him, directly into his eyes. Hertwig left out the biggest sigh ever.

"Fine! Consider it done."

It was kind of troublesome, but it was for Nancy, so Hertwig decided to just do as Samuel said.

"By the way, get ready for rumors." He said as he smirked.

"What rumors?" Confused, Samuel narrowed his eyes.

"There are already a bunch about me dating Nancy." He laughed. "Now I'll be free because you're here to stick around her."

Samuel simply nodded.

"How's Nancy treating you, though? She's supposed to be evil and rude, just so you know."

"Wow, I will tell her you called her evil and rude."

"Isn't she?"

"Well…" Samuel chuckled. "She is uncomfortable and probably does not want me around. But I consider this one of the easier jobs, so I do not mind if she treats me awfully."

"Are you already in love?"

Samuel smiled at him. Him, falling in love? That was just impossible. His speech itself practically spoke of his boundaries.

"Are you not in love with her?" Samuel asked, thinking the dating rumors were probably true. "Why else would you agree to get me a job in the college and above all, let me be around her 24/7? You will do it for her."

"Nah, We're just friends. Plus, I wanna stay single forever."

Samuel nodded.

"Oh, look," Hertwig said while showing Samuel the text message he had just received.

[Ms. Trouble Maker: Please inform your 'bestie' what bestie means.]

"Right. I had failed to comprehend this given name." Samuel reminisced.

"It means best friend dumbass!" Hertwig chuckled.

"How does one become a best friend?" Samuel asked.

"A best friend is not describable in words."

"But I can very well describe you in words. Then does that mean you have self-proclaimed a title upon us?"

Hertwig chuckled. Despite his looks, Samuel was behind times for a lot of different reasons.

They talked for a while after that. After settling everything with Hertwig, he drove back to his house and slept for the day.

The next day, Monday, was the day everyone in the World hated. But Nancy was looking forward to it. She even woke up early to show her dedication.

After all, it was college after so many weeks of bedridden nights. Nancy rushed downstairs, just to find out that Nina wouldn't be going as she was running a fever.

She could be happy, yes. But that leaves her alone with Samuel. That wasn't pleasing to imagine.

She went outside just to see Samuel waiting for her. They just quietly drove to college.

It was the literal definition of 'pin-drop silence'. But isn't pin-dropping kind of squeaky too? Nancy's head was full of useless thoughts like these.

When they reached college, Nancy got out of the car with Samuel, making many jaws drop to the ground.

Nancy thought it was for her. But little did she know, it was for Samuel. She could see all the girls giving up on their lives after seeing Nancy with a charming man such as Samuel.

She couldn't tell If she was happy or mad about that, though. Nancy soon caught up with Amy, who was just in front of them. Nancy treated Samuel like a nobody, only to find out Amy was blinded by Samuel's charisma as well.

Nancy had to face the truth.

Why wasn't she thrown off by his unique looks? She did think he was handsome, then why? Maybe it was because he was her bodyguard, and for someone like her, she hated being in the spotlight for someone.

Besides, in her opinion, she didn't need a bodyguard. She could bet it to herself that if she had met Samuel as Roth's adopted son, she'd fall for him, too. But a body-guard? 'What the Hell?!'.

The first lecture of the day was about to start, but ironically, no one other than Nancy was present in the class. Some of the boys came later, but nobody else.

It was Finance's lecture as Nancy was a business student. Of course, she was. Her father ran a generations-old business. She was the next heir.

Hertwig used to teach Finance, along with one other subject. But when Samuel entered the class followed by his fangirls, Nancy knew what happened.

'I'll join as a teacher, my ass!' Nancy thought to herself, realizing Samuel might've bribed his 'bestie' to get him a job.

She recalled how no one was willing to employ him because of the unknown birthplace in his resume.

Unknown birthplace? Why would her parents let a mysterious person guard her?

Nancy knew she needed to have her boundaries up.

The entire lecture, she avoided his eyes. She didn't want any rumors about him. She found rumors with Hertwig interesting. But Samuel was on her blacklist.

At recess too, she was only hearing 'Samuel this' and 'Samuel that'. She just came back alive from a neurosurgery, and no one cared. Not that she cared about it, but the spotlight for Samuel was just irritating to her.

Then a sudden thought clicked in her head. She woke up 10 minutes after a neurosurgery. Why didn't she think about that?

She wasn't a med-student, but even a business student could tell something was wrong.

"Where are you at, girl?" Amy asked, seeing Nancy lost in thoughts as they sat in the cafeteria during recess.

"Ah. Nothing."

That's when Veronica stepped in.

"What is your relationship with our new Finance Professor?" Veronica asked. "He keeps looking at you. It's annoying."

"Why do you care?" Nancy scoffed. "What? Do you have a crush on him? Too bad everyone you like is always around me. Even your ex-"

"Shut up, Nancy. I can make your car wreck again."

With that, Nancy stood up.

"Again?" Nancy scoffed. "Try me."

Just then, Samuel came and sat opposite Nancy, next to Amy.

"Today was hectic. Hertwig was right when he said it would be hard." Samuel said.

"Aye! You did great for a starter." Amy said.

Veronica lost her ground as he casually talked to Nancy and Amy. She quickly left the scene. That finally put a smile on Nancy's face after a while of disappointment.

"By the way, don't you think you should sit away?" Amy asked, watching Veronica leave. "Knowing that bi-" She stopped. "Knowing Veronica, she's gonna stir up some rumors."

"Right," Samuel said before standing up to leave.

Nancy quickly looked away.

"What's his problem?" She muttered to herself.

"Hey!" Amy whispered to her. "That's not nice!"

Nancy's mood dropped down as if it were a waterfall. Even though Veronica's jealousy was interesting to watch, it didn't change the fact that she's tied to a bodyguard she never needed.

It was Hertwig's lecture next, and he gave a surprise accounting test that annoyed Nancy more than ever. She was at the bottom of her class when it came to accounting.

However, this time she seemed to have been the only one in the class to ace the test. Weird enough, she got every single question right. 'Maybe Heaven took mercy on me.' She thought to herself.

Something didn't feel right. She missed school for weeks and still aced a test. There were questions she had never seen in her entire life. Then, how did she ace the test?

She then remembered that she wasn't saved by some random neurosurgeons but by qualified scientists. What did they do to her?

She was confused and wanted to find out whatever everyone had been hiding from her. She thought Samuel should know of it as he was her bodyguard. There is no way they wouldn't tell him anything.

Though she had distanced herself well enough from him, maybe it was time to be a little friendly and gain some information.

Right! To Samuel, then!