
Nancy looked at him with furrowed brows.

Samuel hesitated.

Nancy landed her hand on his shirt's collar, trying to unbutton it.

He quickly grabbed it hesitantly to unbutton it himself.

She was a little too close.

After knowing that she had been unconscious for 15 minutes and that he hadn't bothered to treat his wound since then, Nancy didn't know what to think.

She saw him hesitantly unbutton his shirt before revealing his body to her. She wanted to look normal, but she couldn't hide her shock after witnessing the countless scars on his body.

Her eyes widened, making him uncomfortable.

She shook her head and moved her hands to the first-aid kit.

She looked at the wound and quickly got scared.

"I-I think you need stitches," Nancy said as she looked away.

She acted all big and wanted to treat him, but what now?

Samuel grabbed the first-aid kit and searched for antiseptics. He applied them to the wound and then tightly bandaged it.

"It's gonna bleed again if you won't get it stitched," Nancy muttered, moving back to the bed.

"I am aware. However, that is not going to happen." He looked paler than ever.

Figures. He lost all that blood, but he was still sitting straight as if nothing happened. He buttoned his shirt again and walked to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"Did you bandage my foot too?" She asked him as he sat back on the couch.

"No. I called a doctor." He replied.

"But…" Nancy's curiosity always took over. "You took your bullet out, so I thought you should be experienced or something. Did you go to med school?"

"I can treat myself, but I would not take the risk on you, no matter how small the problem is. It is better to consult a professional. And no, I majored in mathematics." He answered.

Nancy nodded.

"Were you in the military?" She asked another question.

Samuel looked at her for a second, then cleared his throat. Nancy knew that if he didn't answer, then that would mean he didn't want to lie but also didn't want to tell the truth.

"So, you were in the military," Nancy said. "Then you should know Sebastian too…" She added. "But like... You're just 23..."

"I knew him as Sir Roth's colleague. I had never met him until the day he came to the Police Station." Samuel explained.

Nancy had her suspicions because he seemed to know about the tubes.

"That sounds like a lie." Nancy pushed him.

"What are you trying to implement?" Samuel asked in confusion.

"Look, Samuel, I told you before that I won't let a stranger guard me. And that I need to know about you. So, it would be better if you just tell me whatever I ask you." Rather than trusting him as he took a bullet for her, Nancy was more than alarmed. She wasn't some weak, female protagonist of an 80's movie to be flattered by his actions.

"Very well." Samuel nodded.

Nancy took a deep breath and revised all the questions she had in her mind.

"Why did you react that way to the marks on my forehead?" Nancy asked, staring at him narrow-eyed.

"I… I am honestly not certain why. But it seemed to remind me of something." Samuel answered.

"What do you have… Besides PTSD?"

"I fail to understand how knowing about my mental illnesses will allow you to have faith in me."

Nancy scoffed.

"I am not certain if I want to talk about my personal issues with you."

Nancy scoffed yet again.

"You bled a lot. I am sure you didn't see a doctor either. How are you alive?" Nancy asked.

"People do not die because of tiny gunshots, Nancy." He said.

"Tiny gunshots?!" Nancy exclaimed in surprise. "Never mind, you were in the military. I get it." She accepted her defeat.

She just couldn't argue with him. Not with the little information she had. She wanted to trust him, but at the same time, she felt a little scared.

There was so much she didn't know about. He just stared at her for a moment before making a phone call. He called Roth to assure him of their safety.

"Wait so… Why did you tell me you were dangerous? Why was Sebastian at your house? He even knew your passcode, Samuel." Nancy asked.

Samuel narrowed his eyes. It seemed as though it was news to him as well.

"He knew my passcode? I must change it then." Samuel muttered. "About that… I used to have panic attacks back at Sir Roth's place. It was the main reason why I had to move out. He has a little daughter, and I was a direct influence. So, I wanted her to have a normal childhood. I do not know why knowing this will allow you to trust me." He added.

"Why? Why did you have panic attacks? Do you still have them?" Nancy asked.

Their conversation had no end at this point.

Samuel deeply sighed.

"How many times must I make it clear? I do not wish to talk about such matters. It is not your trust but rather your curiosity asking me all sorts of questions." Samuel said politely. "I advise you to ask my fa-... Sir Roth instead."

He was difficult to deal with, alright.

But that made Nancy more and more suspicious of him.

Nancy just wanted to leave. She had already planned it out. As soon as she made it back home, she would avoid Samuel at any cost.

She would stop going outside. She didn't care about knowing about him anymore. She just wanted him away.

She could feel in her gut that Samuel had something to do with Sebastian.

None of it made sense to her.

As much as she adored her curiosity, she was scared too.

"W-Who is your father?" She asked him one last question.

"Sir Roth," Samuel answered diligently.

"Real… Father."

Samuel looked at her with a troubled expression before dwelling into deep thoughts.

"You said you were adopted at 14… You should know about your real parents, no?" Nancy pushed him once again.

"I do not. I am sorry to disappoint you. However, I do not have any memory regarding my biological parents. Furthermore, I advise you to never mention them again as I am a runaway. I hope this answer satisfies your curiosity."

With that, Samuel stood up to leave the motel room.
