Uh Oh! Bad Timings

Samuel looked troubled.

Nancy looked confident.

"Must you do this when you have not even mentioned the reason for being here? Nor have I received prior notice of your arrival. I cannot believe after the last incident, you have not learned a lesson.

How could you possibly enter my house alone? Do you not know what dangers I hold? Were you not fixated on avoiding me?" Samuel bombarded questions as Nancy sat in front of him with the first aid kit in her hands.

Samuel's white dress shirt couldn't hide his secret for long, and blood started appearing on his chest.

Yet, both of them were staring at each other for explanations.

"How did you get this wound?" Nancy asked,

"You have ignored my questions."

"Oh, thanks, Mr. Detective."

"I am not obliged to answer personal questions."

"Me neither."

"My questions are not personal."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am."

"You're bleeding right now."

"Yes, I am."

"And you won't let me treat you either."

"I can treat myself very well. And you are aware of this fact. I request you to kindly hand over the first aid kit, so I can tend to my injuries myself."

He stressed the 'myself'. She sulked.

"I'll treat it."

Samuel sighed while she closed the distance to treat his wound. First, she had to inspect it; her ulterior goal was that anyway.

She raised her hand forward to his shirt's button, which was slowly drenching in blood, but he gave her no chance by grabbing her hand.

"You must not." The sternness in his voice made her tremble for a second.

Just for a second, though. Nancy was the tyrant here, not Samuel.

"I make the rules," Nancy muttered.

"Not for my body."

"Sell it to me. I'll treat you well in return."

"I do not intend to make deals."

"I won't bother you."

"Not enough."

"I won't ask you questions that make you uncomfortable."

"I will not make deals, Nancy."

He looked irritated, but Nancy enjoyed the sight.

"Ask for something then. You'll make this deal."

"I have my rights."

"You're bleeding."

"And that has nothing to do with you."

"Don't you feel pain?"

"I do. And it will be very appreciative if you kindly let me tend to my wound in peace."

"If you felt pain with all that bleeding, you wouldn't be sitting upright talking about your Goddamn rights, no?"

Samuel narrowed his eyes before leaning his back to support it with the bed. Nancy wasn't going to leave him alone, was she?

He sighed lightly before unbuttoning his shirt. Nancy fixated her eyes on him, no bad desires, only knowledge.

He revealed the wound on his chest. It looked like a knife stab. Nancy's eyes widened. Why was he unfazed?

{Probability of survival: 80%}

She also realized how the system raised the probability of survival after every 2 minutes. How was that possible?

Even the most perfected human immune systems wouldn't be able to overcome a stab to the chest.

Who was Samuel? What was Samuel?

While she was sunk in thoughts, Samuel took the opportunity and took away the first aid kit from her hands.

"Hey!" She whined before sitting down tight to watch him treat his wound.

His first aid kit wasn't your normal first aid kit, either. He said he didn't graduate from med school but kept stitching material in his first aid kit.

He took out a needle, and a thread and began stitching a temporary suture on his wound after cleaning it thoroughly with an antiseptic. All by himself, while Nancy saw him do all that with her jaw dropped on the floor.

He swiftly sutured his wound and then bandaged it clear. Nancy almost forgot she had to check up on his abdomen wound.

His shirt was covering it so Nancy leaned, supporting herself on her knees fixed on the bed. She raised her hand slowly towards the bottom of his shirt before he noticed and grabbed her wrist.

"I have treated my wound in front of your eyes. What else do you wish to see?" Samuel asked.

"Your.. uh... Wound from last time…" Nancy hesitantly said when his grip tightened on her wrist. She shrieked in pain. 

He quickly let her go.

"I apologize. I must be out of my mind." He quickly said. "About the wound, it has healed. There is nothing but a scar here." He raised his shirt a little to reveal the scar.

It looked years old.

"Was it on this side?" Nancy asked, not being able to believe.

{Abdomen scar age: 1-2 weeks.}

Nancy nodded to the system, still confused. She leaned forward to look straight into his eyes.

"How did it heal so fast?" She asked.

"I must have a good immune system," Samuel replied.

"Are you sure it's that?"

"I did not graduate from med school, so I do not know."

"Then why don't you visit doctors?"

"I do not know. Sir Roth has forbidden me to do so."

"The fuck?"


"For real?"


Nancy leaned back in her place, wondering if questioning Samuel was wrong to begin with. She wondered if she should've questioned Roth instead.

"Since I have treated my wound and answered your questions diligently, do I get to ask you a question now?" Samuel asked.

"One more question." Nancy ignored him.


"How did you even get this wound?" Nancy asked, narrowing her eyes.

Samuel looked at her but didn't answer.

Instead, he leaned forward towards her to look straight into her eyes.

"Why did you come here alone? And at midnight?" He asked her, and it made her nervous.

Though, in her head, she was still superior. But his intimidating figure said otherwise.

She couldn't call him out on ignoring her question because of how close he was.

Whenever she leaned forward, it didn't make her feel a thing. Then why were her cheeks going poppy red right now?!

Suddenly, the door of Samuel's room creaked open. With the shirtless Samuel sitting so close to Nancy, Hertwig witnessed something he shouldn't have.