Not Wishing to Leave you Alone

"Alright, alright." Samuel sighed finally. "I shall accompany the two of you to a birthday party I wasn't directly invited to."

"Shut up!" Hertwig exclaimed, "They want you to come. They're just shy."

Samuel stood up from his seat.

"Since all the matters have been cleared, I request both of you to leave my house now. It is 3 am. I shall drop you home, Nancy." Samuel said.

"Okay," Nancy muttered, now that her goals were achieved.

Hertwig waved to the two before leaving the house. Nancy and Samuel sat inside the car Nancy brought.

"I cannot believe you drove here by yourself," Samuel said before twisting the car keys to start the engine. "Shall your parents know, you would be grounded certainly." He pressed the accelerator lightly.

"That's why you'll keep your mouth shut," Nancy muttered while she browsed through her social media feed.

"What if I do not?" Samuel pressured.

Nancy scoffed before putting the phone away from her sight, giving Samuel all her attention.

"The fuck is wrong with you these days?" Nancy asked as she scoffed sarcastically. "Just because I broke into your house, you're acting up?"

"Do you realize your words?" Samuel asked. "I am genuinely concerned about this. Do you think it is fine to break into someone's house?"

"Hmph. So you're going to lecture me now?" Nancy asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No. I am going to ask you to never step into my house again." Samuel bluntly replied as he continued to drive, his eyes fixated on the road.

Nancy laughed him off.

"I am serious. I have warned you before. The outcomes of staying at my house shall frighten you to death. I do not want you to witness such sights. Hence, it is better to stay within your limits while keeping yourself safe from dangers as well."

"Samuel.." Nancy called him sternly. "Why are you dangerous, huh? I would like to know today."

Samuel sighed.

"You didn't even change your passcode. That's how much of a dumb fuck you are. Don't blame me for breaking in when I got abducted because of your Goddamn 0905." Nancy irked.

Samuel frowned lightly when he heard her talk about the passcode.

"What? Did I reveal your mommy's birthday?" Nancy sarcastically said, followed by a sudden brake pulled by Samuel.

"How old are you?" Samuel asked sternly.

"19," Nancy replied sternly as well.

Samuel simply sighed as he tightly gripped the steering wheel.

"Calm Samuel is mad?" Nancy teased him.

{Now Analyzing, Samuel Rogers.}

{Health Status: Normal.}

{Previous Wound Status: 98.76% Healed.}

{Tremendous amounts of ATP release are noticed despite the individual not consuming any food for 19 hours, 23 minutes, and 10 seconds.}

"Why haven't you eaten anything since the morning?" Nancy asked, completely ignoring she had purposely picked a fight with him.

"I shall or shall not eat whenever I desire. Just like how you shall or shall not disobey your parents and disregard rules and regulations out of your own free will." Samuel replied under his breath.

{System has noticed elevated levels of catecholamines and adrenaline in the individual in question; The Host is required to keep their distance.}

His frustration was visible on his face. Nancy would've known without the system having told her.

She wanted to see how long he could tolerate her.

Samuel let out another sigh before gripping the steering wheel and accelerating the car, trying to ignore Nancy.

That simply annoyed Nancy.

"Samuel." She called him bluntly.

"Nancy." Samuel was attentive as ever.

"Are you done lecturing me?"

"If you understand your mistake, yes."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I would like you to reconsider going to the birthday party or not."

"Wow." Nancy was speechless. "Slick bitch."

Samuel nodded in agreement. He wasn't the type to hold grudges.

{Chemical levels have normalized.}

"Samuel, I have a question." Nancy sparked her curiosity for a question she had been withholding all this time.

"Yes?" Samuel attentively replied.

"What is that passcode number?" Nancy asked out of curiosity. "It looks like a birthdate."

She bit her lip when she didn't receive an answer. Was that too far? She cleared her throat for attention.

"It is my mother's death anniversary," Samuel muttered bluntly, even though she had attacked him using the passcode earlier.

"Ah.." Nancy was speechless. "H-How did she die?" She hesitantly asked, thinking if it was too much.

"I do not remember because I was very young at that time." Samuel swiftly replied.

"Uh.. No one told you the reason?"

"I must have forgotten..?"

"How can you forget that?"

"I had chronic stress and suffered from retrograde amnesia due to it. Maybe that is how."

Nancy was left speechless yet again. This man always seemed to amaze her in one way or another.

"How do you even have all this stuff?" Nancy asked. "Sounds unreal."

"Why are you interested in this mere bodyguard? I have never understood this. You could ignore me for good rather than trying to get involved."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Mr. Samuel here is super Goddamn dangerous. He has some weird split personality that likes to hurt people if they come over to his house. He has so many mental health issues that it's almost unbelievable such a frail man is my bodyguard.

He is so tired of Nancy. He wishes he could quit his job because Nancy keeps questioning him about his past. Because Nancy is curious. Nancy wants to know. Nancy likes to know."

Samuel nodded.

"Minus the split personality part, I think you have guessed it all pretty accurately."

"You're tired of me?"

He nodded slightly.

"You wish you could quit the job because I keep questioning you?"

He nodded yet again.

"You're fired."

"You cannot fire me."

"You can resign then."

"I shall not."

"You just said you wanted to."

"I did not say anything. I just nodded."

"That means you agreed."

"Not necessarily. I meant to agree to the fact that such a wish has crossed my mind. Sir Roth had asked me to quit as well. However, I chose not to."




Samuel stopped the car in front of Nancy's house and stepped out of the car.

He walked to her side and opened the car door for her. She looked at him in anticipation as she stood out of the car and walked towards the front door of her house after he gestured for her to.

Opening the front door for her and making sure she went inside, he turned around to leave when Nancy swiftly grabbed the sleeve of his coat.

He turned his head around to attend to her.

"Because?" She repeated.

Blinking slowly a few times at him as she watched him reclaim his thoughts, she held his sleeve tightly in her grips making sure he didn't leave before answering her.

"Because I do not wish to leave you alone in a mess you cannot fully grasp."