A Sincere Prayer

Hearing words of encouragement wasn't enough if those words weren't turned into action. That's how it worked. Action was needed to prove simple words.

However, Samuel wasn't sure if he was going to receive proof of the words he heard last night. When the Privates said those words to him, he was relieved. Those feelings stayed only for a while when he realized how much authority Bradley had and how the Privates were the lowest enlisted officers.

How could the lowest-ranking officers of the military help Bradley's new favorite toy out? That was impossible. Samuel didn't sleep the entire night thinking about possibilities. None of what he thought worked in any way.

When he woke up in the morning, he was directly sent to some outdoor training grounds where a supervisor had been waiting for him. He was in charge of Samuel's studies. Of course, he was still a 10-year-old child who hadn't completed his general studies.