Humanity is Bound to Be Chained

Dr. Billy stared at the child from head to toe before touching him to treat his extreme abdomen wounds.

"You are strange." Dr. Billy murmured in his lowest tone as he sutured Samuel's wounds. "Shows that you belong to that devil."

Samuel couldn't understand. He just sat straight and received his treatment. Suddenly, Bradley barged inside furiously, alarming both the doctor and the patient to stand on their feet. He stared at Samuel for a solid minute, inspecting how he was soaked in blood.

"Who did this to him?!" Bradley furiously asked Dr. Billy.

Dr. Billy cleared his throat and stepped away from Samuel.

"T-That's what I've been wanting to tell you, Mr. Bradley. This kid is special. At first, I thought it was about self-harming issues but…" Dr. Billy said before moving back to his desk to take out a bundle of files and reports.

"Self-harm?" Bradley raised an eyebrow before walking towards Samuel.