It Wasn't Enough

[Trigger Warning: Blood and Gore, Torture and Abuse. Please read at your own discretion.]

"You're next, Private." The Lieutenant General smirked widely.

Private Joshua felt a gush of panic evolving in his stomach, causing an uneasy feeling. Is this how Samuel felt all this time? The thought scared the Private and made him nauseous.

Bradley walked over to a wide, white cupboard placed in the room. He opened it and pulled out two chairs fastened with belts and chains and placed them in the center of the room in front of a comfy sofa.

"Put him in one," Bradley ordered the Private and watched him place the half-conscious child in the chair. "Tie him up." He continued his orders.

The Private straightened one of the child's arms and tied it to the arm of the chair. Then he straightened the other arm causing the child to shriek, not knowing Bradley had broken his wrist earlier.