He Was My Punishment

"Like father, like son." General Yakov muttered before closing the door, leaving the child alone once again. 

The child sluggishly fell back to the bed, not having the motivation or energy to even think at this point. He was very sleepy. However, whenever he closed his eyes, a strange pain in his eyelids stopped him from even trying to sleep. 

He would turn around the entire night without any hope of falling asleep any time soon. 

The child spent his night inside the void of mind that failed to show him anything at all. All it showed him was a pitch-black screen, waiting to be switched on. 

Soon the clock struck 8 'o'clock and the child vigorously stood up after finally counting the 8th hour for the second time. 

Lev had the child's luggage, so he didn't even know what he was supposed to do. If he had the bag or at least his journal, he could spend the night writing his feelings away. However, Lev had kept his luggage with him for some reason.