Permission To Cry

Samuel widened his eyes slightly. He had been hearing the couple say this to him very often now. He didn't know what to feel about it. He didn't know what to feel generally either. He still passed a smile for the sake of Roth. 

If they were trying so hard, a smile was necessary. The car drove for an hour before Roth stopped it at a gas station to refill it and get snacks for the road at the same time. He returned to the car with a bunch of snacks and placed them on the car deck. 

"Help yourself, Samuel," Roth said. "There's still half an hour till we reach there." He added. 

Samuel nodded as he looked at a bag of chips. It was herb-flavored, so the packet was dark green. He almost thought it was an MRE before reading the packet. It was just a flavored bag of chips. He ripped open the bag of chips and held it across so Roth could have it first. Roth smiled and grabbed a handful, stuffing it into his mouth.