Volatile Words

"What have you gotten so far, Miss Nancy?" Marco asked Nancy while walking inside the study, seeing Nancy sigh in relief. "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah." Nancy gulped. "I was so lost in thoughts that I forgot you existed." She chuckled. "And guess what I found… Samuel's blood type is..." Nancy said while moving her fingers around, trying to surprise Marco with this newly learned information. 

"Rh-null?" Marco bluntly muttered. 

Nancy was dumbfounded. "Why the fuck do you know this?" 

"I've known Samuel since longer than you have, Miss Nancy. As his district attorney, the first thing I was told about was the precious blood type he has. Why do you think Mr. Roth has forbidden him to see any doctors? It's solely because we don't want to register him as someone with the blood type Rh-null." Marco explained. "Because then, his partial immortality would be revealed."