Breaking in

{The host is required to work according to the following instructions.} 

Upon opening the electronic circuit board and presenting it to Nancy's line of sight, the system started assisting her through the rest of the process. 

{1. Switch off all the buttons.} 

Nancy nodded and switched off all the buttons on the right of the board, parallel to the lights and circuits. 

{2. Replace all the white wires with green wires. Discard the white wires.} 

Nancy looked around the circuit board. There were three white wires connected to a single button. Those were probably wires that connected the cameras. Three separate green wires were suspended, not held to any other socket at the moment. 

Nancy slowly replaced all the white wires with the green wires. In this way, the cameras would still stay on without anyone finding out that they were off in the first place. They would just be out of order because of the different wires.