This too shall pass

"What made us look and feel like humans but not live like them?" Nancy read out loud. "What made us so different, so distinct from them? I was eager to find out. So many from our blood, I killed. So many from our race, only to conclude that we are just a glitch, a mistake? 

Oh Lord, if there is any, tell me how do I revive what is gone and replenish what is lost? Tell me how do I fix our bodies and our souls? Tell me, oh Lord!"

"Beverly, who is this?" The man, who looked around the same age as the woman, walked a little closer cautiously in case the stranger would hurt the woman. 

"How would I know?!" Beverly, allegedly, said as she moved to loosen the stranger's grip on her wrist, but she was held firmly and tightly. 

The man looked at the stranger for a brief moment. 

"May I ask for your name?" He calmly asked.