
"Tell him," Samuel said to Roth, finding convincing Roth the only way to save him. 

"Why?" Roth asked while smiling. "Why do you want me to live now?" 

Samuel sighed slowly, "I have never wanted you to die. Ever." He added as he looked at Roth with sincerity in his eyes. 

Mikhail looked at Samuel, wondering if this was what he meant when he said that he couldn't hate anyone. It seemed like a joke to Mikhail at first, but seeing it for himself now, he had no suspicions regarding Samuel's sincerity. 

The one who preaches about sincerity must be sincere himself. Sworn sincerity even to the tyrant, Samuel proved himself worth the title. No one was worthy unless they put their words into action, just like Samuel did. 

Even Roth's insincerity wasn't enough to provoke hatred in Samuel. 

"Then why do you run away from me?" Roth asked helplessly. "Why do you run away when I call you back to my open arms?" He asked with a sigh of frustration.