
The blonde-haired woman was lying unconscious on the bed, tied as tightly as possible. Sebastian traced the center of her forehead with his index finger, deciding where to cut her off from. At this point, he couldn't care less if she ended up dying. For so long, he had tried to find a way to take the chip without killing the girl, but now he had had enough. 

He was tempted to just cut open the woman right now, extract the chip, modify it, and then insert it into his son, finally achieving immortality. But even now, his facts weren't clear and that made him feel aloof. 

"Wake up, bitch." Sebastian said hopelessly while hardly pressing his finger against her forehead. "Wake up." 

Nancy squinted her eyes painfully before slowly opening them. She was finally regaining consciousness, only to see Sebastian again. Instantly, she tried to break free from the leather straps that had been holding her down, tied to the bed.