
How Sebastian knew the outcome was still unclear, but the outcome was exactly how he knew it to be. Nancy's system had started to melt down due to the maximum level's efficiency being much more intense than what her body could handle. Furthermore, live programming on anyone other than the host required much more strength than what Nancy had. Samuel was now a human, but at what cost? 

This was the cost. The underlying side effects of level 1 brainwashing that the system had not been mentioned because Nancy hadn't asked. The only side effect that Nancy inquired about was level 100 brainwashing. Obviously, with the progression of levels, the system became more efficient in limiting side effects. However, Nancy had forgotten that she was still on level 3 by default. 

Nancy felt her world blurring into darkness while Samuel held her arms to support her. She even felt her breaths slowly wavering away. 

"Nancy, hang on!" Samuel exclaimed in concern.