Same Old Bed

The entire apartment was able to cause a flood of memories in Nancy's head. Even though the memories were just small fragments of bigger events, she found them nostalgic and strange. 


"So you want me to double the protection for Ms. Nancy?" Marco asked.

"You know about the thing?" Nancy asked him indirectly.

"Yes. I was told about it when you and Mr. Roth first tried to charge Sebastian."

Nancy and Amy both nodded now that everything was coming together.

"You need not double the protection as I accompany her throughout the day," Samuel replied bluntly as ever.

Nancy slammed her hand on the table.

"Samuel, you're fired. Mr. Marco. Looking forward to working with you." Nancy independently made her move.

"You cannot fire me." Samuel backfired.

"I can."

"No, you cannot."

"Why can't I? I'm the employer!"