Authorized Personnel Only

Before going anywhere, a phone call had to be made to confirm whether or not Samuel's heritage was German. The phone call was made to Susan, David's sister. Surprisingly, cancer hadn't eaten her away yet. 

"Hey, Nancy," Susan muttered over the phone. "How's the search going?" 

"Hi. The search is going wack. I need your help." Nancy jumped straight to the point. 


"Sebastian's parents were of German heritage?" Nancy asked in anticipation

"We're not sure." Susan said, "But Sebastian used to mention they lived in Germany half his life, yes. If I'm right, the Hoover family is of German heritage too." 

"Alright." Nancy nodded, "I'll go to Germany." She announced. 

Now that she had some credible information, it was time to go to Germany. She also remembered how the journals written by the immortals had a similar tone to the German language. It was ciphered, but the words still resembled German.