A Familiar Back In Formal Clothing

The only thing Fritz Hoover specified was that the remains were kept in the countryside of Munich, which would mean the countryside of Bavaria; just around Munich. That would mean areas like Bogenhausen; the suburbs. With the chip's assistance, Nancy ultimately made her way to Bogenhausen; her last resort. 

She could go back to the house of Fritz Hoover and allow Samantha Hoover to do something about it, same with the mansion land. But her priority was to find Samuel. 

She took a train to Bogenhausen, which took about 18 minutes for her to reach there. The suburbs were beautiful. It always fascinated her to see the type of residencies people owned in Germany. Each corner of the country was pretty. 

The cone roofs, compact and antique houses, and narrow alleys with plenty of greenery made it special. She walked from the train station to the district. Her goal was to ask people about a Hoover family residency or maybe a columbarium.