Sorrow And Guilt

A small smirk printed onto Nancy's face instantly, seeing Samuel getting all vulnerable with her. She jerked her legs upwards, causing him to sit up. 

"Not you thinking I'd just accept your sorry ass after you couldn't even recognize me." Nancy scoffed, crossed her legs, and looked away. It was her sulking time, not Samuel's resting time. 

Samuel looked at his arms since he was sitting and facing away. They were still calm. She was real after all. 

"He doesn't even have an answer." Nancy continued to sulk to herself. 

Samuel turned around to look at her. She unwillingly looked back at him. His gaze was something she could never intentionally or unintentionally turn away from. To pull her power back to the palm of her hand, she raised her eyebrow. 

Samuel could only smile and look back away before he stood up. "How discourteous of me!" He said as composed himself to stand, "Would you like a cup of coffee?" He asked politely.