

" thank you, just buy for yourself Leng, I'm not in my mood"

'why do I have to be this..why!!...10 years is a long time to forget him why can't I??'


"thank you"Leng grab and give me a tissue

" you can go now don't have to worry about me...I'm fine"

"you're not Z...I am with you from the start you work here it is just a month but I know you...

you don't for nothing....dry your tears before anyone sees you. it is not good for your Work here..and remember you have to buy some dresses for the Party tomorrow right?...Go..don't overwork yourself this time enjoy"

"Thank you Leng😆..I'm happy to have you. I'll gonna's already 5 the store will be close of I'll gonna be late..thanks again. Just tell the boss I'm off until tomorrow, he'll understand..bye"

I take a cab and tell him to go to Mall

I remember that I just have to get my nightdress in the shop. I can do my makeup tomorrow but I feel like I need to get help"

tomorrow, I will see him again with his child, Haila, Xharnelle, Anna, and my other schoolmate that year.

I Can't be sad right now because I'll gonna see my longtime best friends.

I miss them it's been a long time for us to meet, we're both busy with our own life.

I think it's 5 to 6 years already

I think so.

"ma'am we're here"

"thank you" I put a little tip in the money I pay

Then got out and walk directly to the boutique my dress is.

"hello there, oh I forgot you are here because of your dress aren't you Z?" I turn to him and answer with A nod

"then I would like to see you wearing it now🥰my lady" Naijal acts as if he's gonna hug me.

"Stay a few meters to me Naijal, I'm not in a mood" I walk beside him and comfortable sit on the sofa "get my dress then I I'm going home"

"you're so Arrogant baby Zinary, Just let me Hug you, I miss you so much, I didn't see you in a week Just now"

"I'll be happy if you're not gonna do that Naj"

he pout his lips when I was going to act like punching him.

"Okay, okay, I get the dress, Just tell me if you need help, One call and I'll be right there" he's pulling something in a dressing room talking. "What's is it again why you brought an evening dress?"

"My high school Reunion," I said while Closing my eyes. this sofa is comfortable to sleep in.

I'm tired and Sad 😭 but nothing gonna change whether I'll think about what happened In the hotel or not.

I'm still hurt and nothing gonna change that.

LATER when I wake up, I straighten my arms and look around suddenly I realize that this is not my Room nor house.

the room is kinda weird, I look around again.

Dark blue Room with a little pink Things, there's a small door in the right I follow that pat because Of curiosity and then I see a hundred of Suits and dress, shoes, etc in the Closets.

who can be the owner of this room?

I didn't touch even one thing there and Go out with that room.

I'm amazed at how a person likes Dark blue and a pink Color for his Room.

yeah like, what I said earlier, I remember why I fall asleep and who's room is this a while ago when I saw a big picture of me with him in his sala.

"Hey, You already wake up, Let's go in the kitchen and have breakfast with me" I nod and follow him it's not my house anyway.

"what do you want? Do you want milk?isn't your favorite?"

"yes please thank you Naj" he pulls the chair behind me and let me sit there

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked while putting an egg on my plate and then rice

"don't worry you're the only sleep in my room, I slept there" he still in the kitchen doing my Mill and his coffee while pointing his right finger on the sofa.

"you can just wake me when I fell asleep in the shop and you do not sleep Just on the sofa, your back must be hurt right now"

"I'm fine, Eat and dress up" he put his coffee on his side where his plate is and put my milk at the side of my plate too.

I Gulp when I realize something.

"What time is it?" I hurriedly pull his phone onto his pocket

"Hey!My phone. you prevent" he crossed his arm won't his whole body that makes me laugh so hard.

"I didn't mean to rape you id*not, I just want to check the time hahaha feeling" he grabbed his phone from me.

"Nah-ah, I'm the owner you ask me"

"what do I have to ask?" my eyebrows fly

"ask me the time properly" his lips curve as smirking.

"I don't want to, thank you for the food, I'll go ahead" I clean every dirt from my plate to the table.

"fine, I'll tell you the time already..just stop and listen"

smile is written on my face

"It's 2 pm" I'm Shock..for goodness sake. what's the matter with this guy?

"Naj 2 pm? then you call me to eat BREAKFAST are you serious and I have a party to attend later you know that" I walk to his room to get my things but he close the


"No, you won't go" His face darkens and his eyes looking at me like I'm his prey.

but he's my friend and I trust him not to hurt me.

I know he won't do that..

"Naj please get out of my way, I'll be late if you won't let me to Go home" I've looked at his eyes a bit and continue to pack my small things and get the dress I will use later.

"Promise me that you don't--" I look at him "Never mind..just enjoy your day,I'll be the one drives you to the event if you want" that smile.

his face suddenly lit up..Like what I thought..

"you don't have to Naj ,you're busy with your mom business too"

"and I love it😁"

"hahaha I know you like fashion that's why I like you😄 the way I can go there with my own feet...but I'll call you if I need help, okay??isn't that great?"

"okay..but stay here for an hour I'll call Nene to work for your make up and hairstyle so my baby can't be an outcasts there" he tap my shoulder, sit on the bed and hug me..

I smile and Say thank you for him..

really Naijal is Sweet and Caring that's the reason I feel comfortable with him"

after 10000000000 years, All set

"are you ready?" NaJal asked "a little bit not"

"don't worry you're beautiful" my eyes travel from my toe to the face in the mirror thinking that he's just saying no sense.

but to my surprise, I see a beautiful lady wearing red stilettos and a white Stone linen Mix Cami maxi long sleeve dress and my hair as simple curl hair.

it's wonderful..

I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

I stand and thank nene for his good work.

he makes me more like myself..

before I get to the party I have to ready myself what I can see and feel...