"CONGRATS let us celebrate for the two of you and with this little girl here" I'll be normal
I need to hide this feeling
I don't want to ruin their family
they turn to me I think they wondered how am behaving I've gone through a lot but this is nothing compared to what I've done to him 10 years ago.
Anne, Xharlene, Haela, Lennon, and Nel who I don't know he's here cheers are glasses and continue to talk nicely with each other
while me?
I excused myself to the washroom and try to pull my tears back
but that doesn't mean I eventually got to do that anyway.
I cage myself into the cubicle room and Cry
my heart ache so much and it feels like I'll die if I don't Cry...
minute passes I heard someone foot steps
then the next thing I know
Xharlene is hugging me like She knew how much I am crying and hurting.
she knew it because she felt it too.