Hello to my deskpartner.

We both decided to go to the same high school after our middle school. As I waved my mom bye I could see Ace really sad for some reason. He was always but this time I felt really uneasy about this. For four years of our school I only saw him happy four times. Everyday on 6th of September. I saw ACE's rich ass apartment he had just brought for us. I thought it was amazing damn he's rich. I looked around the apartment and tapped his back and said , "I'm so glad I'm your friend". He smiled. I saw we had different bedrooms with a personal bathroom and the kitchen was beautiful and big followed by a big living room with super comfortable sofa and a ninety inch Television. I was living life here. High school wouldn't be that ba-

"Okay students you need to complete these twenty assignments by Sunday"

I guess I was wrong. This is mental torture.

(Now Jax is no longer narrating this story)

"Hey Jax, have you decided which club are you choosing?" said ACE. " I haven't" said Jax. But I think I'll go to baseball club. What about you?

"I'm not sure actually. I feel I should go to painting club." said ACE.

"Oh, yes maybe I should join painting classes to. You see my mother loves romance. She always said love is art and not everyone is a good artist". I should show her some good artists still exist" said Jax.

"Suit yourself" said ACE. I guess we need to take forms from there.

"Hi, two forms for art club" said Jax. He fell in love, at first site.

Hi I'm Arsa I am actually first year. I'm just looking after this stall. Sorry.

"Talk about uselessness", said ACE.

"Excuse me" said Arsa.

JAX shouts ,"Yes, My number 789-".

"No, your friend. Did he just call me useless? Hello we just met" said Arsa.

ACE simply starts walking to the opposite direction and Jax follows him. Jax starts runnig fast to catch up to his friend.

"ACE, ACE." shouts Jax.

ACE turns at him says, "breathe" then simply walks away.

They both were in the same section again. ACE and Jax.

"Look there's my name in the second last bench" said Jax. And you're at the last bench right behind me. Woohoo isn't that amazing. Let me see who my desk partner is I hope it's a girl well it'sss....Kesha Reeves. Talk about luck I got a gir-

Excuse me, Can you move your bag.

Jax thought to himself, "Wow, he's handsome" and replied ," Sorry man, this seat belongs to Kesha Reeves."

"Well I am Kesha Reeves" said Kesha with a judging stare.

"You're Ke-Kesha? Reeves?" exclaimed Jax.

Kesha turns back looks back again and says, "Well I am. Now move your bag or imma just throw it. I wouldn't mind."

Jax gets nervous and says "Hi, Welcome."

Kesha rolls his eyes and starts taking out his books.

"What the hell is this?"Jax turns back and looks at ACE. He looks up at ACE and see he's holding a book ," How to murder someone deliberately "." Oh never mind" he exclaimed. By the way who is your desk partner? Wait lemme see it it's Arsa Eve? Another boy?

Jax finds Kesha staring at him.

Anyways ACE why are you even-

A girl comes from behind and with a masculine voice says, "Excuse me , that's my seat-"

(Jax) reading this book!? You're Arsa? Arsa Eve? The one at the stall. Wow You came- you came for my number-

"Cut the bullshit", said Arsa. You, aren't you the one who called me useless? Yes you. Usele-

ACE slightly pushes himself away from the chair next to him and continues reading his book.

"Oh-Thank you. But still you called me useless I'll show you what I can do. Aiiish" said Arsa.

ACE continues reading his book.